A little deeper look at the Eucharist yields a different perspective however, since it is not done to manipulate the God of the belief system but to remember Whom is the Savior. And Baptism is not done to force a balance sheet approach to God, but rather an obedience to be done just the once in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.<> Mormonism is replete with rituals which aim to make entries on a 'balance sheet' relationship to the god of Mormonism. And the salvation can be given 'after all that you can do' mentality is an instant giveaway that the system is at least cultic and in fact occultic when one looks at the rituals performed in their temples.
Excellent summary. IMO, cultic rituals do not bind God to adhere to a man-proposed "covenant" regardless of the intent of the men behind the ritual.