You say my Jesus is not your jesus. Well, Saundra, here's the list as compiled form the quotes of your religion's teachers! See if these characteristics are the ones which fit the Jesus of the Bible, the Jesus you should trust as Savior of your immortal soul:
Mormons believe Jesus was married at the marriage feast in Cana where He changed water into wine.
Mormons believe that the Momron jesus was married to more than one woman.
The Mormon jesus was persecuted because he was a polygamist.
The Mormon jesus came into existence when his father in heaven created him along with his brothers and sisters, as a spirit being who was not yet a god.
Mormons believe Lucifer was one of the Mormon jesus's brothers, before the Mormon jesus became a man and later a god.
The Mormon jesus is one individual god in a troika of gods which includes the Mormon jesus's father--who was once a man and inhabits a body of flesh and bones and through goodness gained the attributes of godhood when he was selected by a council of gods to be the god of earth--and the never to receive a fleshly body holy spirit.
It is claimed that the Mormon jesus can save you, after all that you can do to be worthy of the grace of the Mormon godhead--which is, again, a troika of three gods working for a common purpose.
Mormons believe their jesus can save a person who rejected Him while in their body, by accepting a proxy baptism for them performed in a Mormon Temple by a Temple worthy Mormon.
The Mormon jesus gained the attributes of godhood through the life he lived in the flesh, which gained for that jesus exaltation.
Saundra, you've seen the quotes by which this list of characteristics for the Mormon jesus was compiled. But just incase, would you like for me to post the quotes again, quotes that not one of your heroic missionaries playing Mormon apologist tonight has denied?
“Glenn Beck is in a cult, he is trapped in your cult.”
Really? Hmmmmm. I wonder why God is using Glenn Beck as a voice crying in the wilderness warning America to come back to Him and to the principles of “faith, hope and charity.” It seems strange that a cult member could be so effective.
So . . . according to you approximately half a million ignorant fools showed up on 8/28 at the Lincoln Memorial in DC to listen to a cult member spew evil lies.
Good luck with that.