I'm not into bean counting my "good works" because I have none. My will is corrupt. I cannot choose the things of God and nothing I do will please God. I rest upon the Lord Jesus Christ's promise that if we abide in Him we will produce fruit.
What my fruit is I don't know except that fruit is a promise of God. Any "good works" that I might perform for God is hidden and will be reveal at the judgment of the believers. But, then again, my good works won't matter. They were all done by Christ through me. At the risk of sounding a bit falsely humbled, it is logically fitting that I cast these works down at the feet of Christ because they are, in actuality, His works. I have nothing and I give nothing. They belong to Him however wonderful or meek they are.
I don't need to be worry about outcome.
And how will the Lord guide you back to the right path?
God has promised it to me and every believer. "He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name sake." Like Jonah, I may/will stray. But I rest in the promise that God will lead me back into the paths of righteousness. Not because of me but because of His righteousness.
If you do not believe in scripture, it is difficult to rest in the promises of God.
I notice He keeps leading you to Catholic topic threads. Why do you think that is?
Helrey, I am pulling my hairs trying to understand this (seriosuly). If you cannot choose anything that would please God, then whose decision is it that you "abide in Him"?