lol. Only in Rome.
Reformed churches are sprouting up all over the globe. China is being converted by the millions. In South America, the two fastest growing churches are Pentecostal and Reformed.
High school history books teach the fact that this country was founded on the Biblical principles Calvin instituted in Geneva -- a separation of church and state; a tri-part system of government with its built-in checks and balances to keep men honest; and a representative system of government where both church and state leaders are elected from among the congregation and the citizenry, respectively.
Meanwhile, Rome is bleeding membership, closing churches and seminaries everywhere. Four times as many RCs become Protestant as Protestants become RC.
As God wills.
Calvin, much marginalized by today's culture, might have some redemptive value with the Gays and Islam. What say you about the trifecta of Calvin, Gays and Islam? Can a visionary like yourself divine any events by such a commingling of their combined assets?
Perhaps this would signal the long awaited and speculated arrival of the anti-christ longed for by the by the far out bible belt cults. Could Calvin be the anti-christ?