You become so exercised at the Truth of Jesus instead of sublimating this sinful PRIDE to the divine will of God. These sins will testify against you on the day of judgment.
Apparently we can assume that HIS BRIDE that we reject is what you mean to be the Catholic religion...
What seems to have escaped you and all other Catholics is that I, Quix, and ALL of the Bride of Christ have been judged already...And we have been judged and been found to be JUST...
The Day of Judgment that you refer to will be completely void of Christians...
And not knowing that automatically disqualifies anyone who doesn't know that from knowing who the Bride of Christ actually is...
What you guys mistakenly claim as non Catholic pride is actually a command from Jesus...
2Ti 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
And BTW, you might want to recheck the definition for 'sublimating'...Perhaps you meant something else...
THX for your kind and Biblical response.
You would be well advised to ponder MT 7 21:22 when Jesus plainly states that ones who utter the types of blasphemies, that prideful and presumptuous pagans pronounce, will not be entering eternal salvation.In addition Lk 18 17:18 describes the conduct you must adopt to enter the eternal realm and it appears that you and associates fall far short.
Have you and the associates considered the alternates locations which might suit your needs which have been honed and shaped by the father of all lies?
Your cherry picking bible references in no manner supports your UFO like contentions of completed justification. What bible quote can your sinful pride convolute to justify that presumptuous statement? None, since you merely conjure up prideful interpretations to rationalize your sinfulness. How Satan deceives the weak.
Perhaps some existence with 73 virgins or becoming you own god in a celestial state of UFO ecstasy would be more appropriate.