Prayers for answers for metmom! I can only imagine the frustration. And I can imagine all the advice that leads to no where. The Lord’s healing hand may be the only answer. But, I will risk one more suggestion. Mary Ruth Swope a born again believer and physician wrote on the Green Leaves of Barley. In her book she talks about how young Barley leaves are a cleanser and healing herb for many toxifying conditions in the body. Also Barley was an important grain offering of first fruits unto the Lord in the Old Testament.
The Bible declares barley leaves to be Gods champion food creation the most perfect and complete of all foods. Leviticus 23:9-11 (offerings had to be perfect!)
Barley is one thing I do test allergic to, although I’m not sure why as it was never really a part of my diet. But I tried a small bit anyway.
Never again. Not worth the consequences.