I am sure you read the correction in post # 54 but could not resist the opportunity of a mistype, this reveals that you harbor the spirit of vindictiveness and the Lord has warned about that....
A true Chritian strive to a void being petty and vindictived!
Really? You mean like this?
are not like these curmudgeon
Your action reveal you are so far removed
but jerks keep trying to imply
You really should stop taking yourself so serious
You are a nut go aroung provoking others and than yell foul!
You are a throw back from the 50s and never left bet a lot of infighting on religion in your family and neighbors!
Just another hidden cyber kook!
You should be ashame of your self because this is kind of talk is not of the Lord!
Is it not true you run on emotions and not reason nor logic?
Oh snootie patootie
Yawn Oh snootie patootie
dont mean a thing you have nothing zero....
Amazing how dense some are.
Hello bias RM you let all these making it personal post stay I got your number!
I don't see any "petty" or "vindictive" comments there, no way, no how. What a way to "improve the image of mormons".
“I am sure you read the correction in post # 54”
No I did not.
“...but could not resist the opportunity of a mistype, this reveals that you harbor the spirit of vindictiveness and the Lord has warned about that....”
Oh, Resty, this seems to be judgmental on your part! Maybe even vindictive. Maybe even attributing motives. Maybe even mind reading...
I don’t harbor a grudge against you for that. :-)
Still friends,