I, however, have seen it first hand. I used to be blind to it. At one time I thought the only people saved were the members of my own Lutheran congregation. Even sister churches were suspect. I was very comfortable in my pew.
I, however, have seen it first hand. I used to be blind to it. At one time I thought the only people saved were the members of my own Lutheran congregation. Even sister churches were suspect. I was very comfortable in my pew.
WELS? If you were being taught the above, you were poorly served by your pastor. I'm very comfortable in my pew as well, but as the Catholics would say, 'I was properly catechized'. As you should know, in Luther's catechism, Large or Small, the focus is on the Members of the Trinity, what The Father has wrought, The Son has wrought and what the Holy Spirit continues to do. All the focus is on the Works of God, not the works of man. What God has done, continues to do, and will continue to do for us. The Sacraments are a testament to God's Work, not our own. But just as there are sinners everywhere I'm glad you landed somewhere where you can now see God's truth.