He also gave them the power to forgive sins or NOT to forgive them: John 20:23 Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.
You posted: “Pretty much the same as any Christian.”
Not quite:
He commanded them to consecrate the bread and wine and transform them into His Body and Blood, just as He did at the Last Supper: Luke 22:19 Do this for a commemoration of Me.
You posted:”No, He did *not*.”
Yes, He did, and the early Church believed He did just that:
This visible Church is called by St. Paul: 1 Timothy 3:15 ...the Church, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
You posted:”... And the OT says the truth is the Torah... So the passage above cannot apply the way you’d like it to, unless the Romish church has suddenly become aware of the OT...”
So St. Paul was wrong, and that scripture passage is not true. Okay...
You posted:”The Spirit is His intermediary. No other is necessary.”
The Church is necessary:
Yeah, thanks for playing... but no more linx to Romanist nonsense. If you can’t defend it in the Book, it is not defended.
IF you're not going to post some scripture in your defense, one can only conclude that those links are non-starters...What's next?, a link to the Encyclopedia Britannica???