Oh, so you do admit you have personal conversations discussing your sexes and other items.
No wonder you have such coordinated,, bigoted eplies.
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What ‘admit’ and ‘personal conversations’?!?! I called him a ‘she’ once and he mentioned he was a ‘he’. We are often on the same threads, and we know a lot about each other.
Take your tinfoil hat off, it seems to be to tight.
And I am not a ‘bigot’, I oppose MormonISM, I have several Mormon friends whom I love dearly enough to tell them the truth about their religion, stuff their own leadership hides from them.
Just because you do not like what I say, it does not make me a bigot and neither does my posts against Mormonism.
Now, Geraldo, about that ‘Al Capone’ fiasco...
And I am not a bigot, I oppose MormonISM
I see you are trying out slick type of marketing for your propaganda!