No, I believe that “can’t afford” is often a temporary situation, or something that the parents can change by adjusting their lifestyle, and so it’s not something that everyone should have a cow over all the time.
In a functioning community, people help each other when they have needs. This generally means that at one point, Family A might need help, while at another time, it’s Family B. Or several people have needs, but they are different needs.
“No, I believe that cant afford is often a temporary situation, or something that the parents can change by adjusting their lifestyle, and so its not something that everyone should have a cow over all the time.”
My brother and his “wife” have 5 children. They are living off of one minimum wage job and 400 per month in food stamps and whatever they can beg from our parents.
“In a functioning community,”
How many of those do you know of?
“This generally means that at one point, Family A might need help, while at another time, its Family B. Or several people have needs, but they are different needs.”
Isn’t this how welfare got started?