It seems to me that while it is true that celibacy is not the problem per se, it tends to attract homosexual men disproportionately, ( who may practice safe sex -that is - no women involved, thus no desire for marriage).
There does seem to be a disproportionate percentage of gay men in the priesthood, at least from what I have seen. However, why is that? Is it because of a process of weeding out anyone who is orthodox, and thereby leaving a much higher number of likely homosexual people? I think the seminaries in this country, at least, could be seen as having had an anti-orthodox agenda. Or is it because homosexuals have seen the priesthood as a good place to hide, since nobody expects them to be married, or find prey if they are predatory? I don't know, but I can't imagine many gay people actually wanting to undertake the priesthood just because of these reasons, and so I am inclined to see the first as a more likely reason. Also, as the culture becomes more tolerant, or should I say worshipping, of homosexuality, and the Church becomes better at protecting our children, the second reason would seem to be even less likely over time, celibacy or no.