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To: NYer
What a beautiful saint he was. This is one of my favorite St. John Vianney stories:

I will mention just one extraordinary fact that reveals his gift of reading souls – the discernment of spirits – that he had. This fact was reported by one of his penitents, a young lady who was a Daughter of Mary. She went to confession to the Curé of Ars. After she knelt, he began to tell her events from her past life.
- Do you remember that you went to a ball on such-and-such occasion?

- Yes, I remember.

- Do you remember that at a certain moment a handsome young man entered the ballroom. He was quite elegant, appeared very upright and danced with several young ladies?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you recall that you had a great desire to dance with him?

- I recall that.

- Do you recollect that you became sad because he didn’t ask you to dance?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you remember that by chance you looked down at his feet and saw a strange blue light coming from them?

- Yes. I remember.
Until now, everything he described to the young lady came from his gift of discernment, because naturally he knew nothing of her past. Then, he made the astonishing revelation:
- That young man was none other than the devil who had taken that shape to tempt several of the young women there. He was unable to approach you because you are a Daughter of Mary protected by her, and you were wearing the Miraculous Medal.

5 posted on 04/27/2010 1:47:46 PM PDT by mlizzy ("Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person" --Mother Teresa.)
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To: mlizzy

Wow! This is the first time I have ever heard that story. The one I recall is that of the wealthy woman who arrived by carriage to visit the Cure’s parish. He came down to meet her and announced that he could smell the stench of her sins.

6 posted on 04/27/2010 3:08:31 PM PDT by NYer ("Where Peter is, there is the Church." - St. Ambrose of Milan)
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