G-d knows .
How do you repent from the greatest sin - not believing Jesus died for your sins? Jesus said - believe on Me (the Savior) and the One who sent Me. Why was He sent?
I don't have to repent of the greatest sin. The greatest sin is going after a god other than YHWH, a god that their father's didn't know. I think that is why they tried so hard to have 'YHWH' removed from the scriptures, while Baal and other false gods remain named.
Do you believe in miracles?
I surely do.
G-d knows
God knows He sent His Son as our Savior and to believe on Him. And to think YOU can save yourself is truly pride. Satan fell because of pride.
Without FAITH, you are not pleasing to God. Much like the Jews that were rescued from Egypt. They lacked faith and were swallowed up in the earth - NEVER to enter the promise land. Equate that with ‘entering heaven’. Were they able to escape Egypt by themselves just because they repented and cried out - NO!! God used Moses. God always uses ‘man’ to do His Will on this earth because HE gave us/man dominion on this earth from the beginning. And God never changes. His Word is pure.
That’s why He sent Jesus as our Savior as a ‘man’.