I believe Man has free will between Sin and Iniquity...
Iniquity is sin, isn't it?
Therefore something has to happen for someone to have desire to Seek him. That answer is found in John chapter 6, where Christ says "No one comes unto me except the Father draws him".
But Titus also points out that all have the grace to come to God. Thus we may all make the choice to approach Him.
Don't forget that Christ Himself taught that Man may approach God in his sinful state with the story of the Prodigal Son. Luke 15 spells that out pretty clearly.
Ask yourself "Who Gets the Glory" with the Doctrine of Free Will? Is it Man who Chooses (Man gets the Glory), or is it God who Sovereignty Elects and draws?
I say that God gets all the glory there--able to convince free wills and hardened hearts not to follow the easy path, the path of all our desires?
Ask yourself this--Does God actually get any glory at all if He must direct us like puppets to love Him? What is love, if it doesn't come freely, of our own decision?
Um, please see post 53. I have responded. Awaiting your response.
Very Good, that is correct. But Titus also points out that all have the grace to come to God. Thus we may all make the choice to approach Him.
The Door is Open, but Mankind, being Dead in Trespasses and Sin, Spiritually Deaf, Dumb and Blind, with the Nature of the Old Man, will not. It is a matter of the will, the will of Mankind says "Not interested, there is no God (but Me)".
Look at what the Apostle John said "children born not of natural descent nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." (John 1:13). John is asserting that the new birth is not a matter of a human decision, but God's doing. You do not birth yourself.
Thus be assured, that if you present scriptures and get any kind of realistic question, God may have been working in that person and you should present the Gospel, the Good News that the Lord Jesus Christ has paid the penalty of Sin, for folks like us, and set us Free to live in Him.
God gets all the Glory, for it is He that Loved folks like us, when we were "Yet, dead in Trespasses and Sin". God was active while you were dead. God gave you a new heart, and a new mind that could hold faith and gave you "ears to hear", resulting in a heart convicted of sin and ready to confess belief upon the Saviors Work, that confession showing that Salvation is Present.
Most people say "I confessed God and he gave me a new heart and a new mind". But the truth is as Jeremiah 31:33 said "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." It is God who Writes, Not Man.