We Dominicans tend to razz the Franciscans:
Franciscan (to me)(jokingly):But we're so HUMBLE!
Me: Well, you have a lot to be humble about.
But our differences are mostly and most often differences of style and of mission. But I admire the heck out of Bonaventure, and I don't know any Franciscans who don't respect Aquinas. And we all admire Carthusians and Trappists.
Diversity of members, diversity of charisms, one Spirit.
A Jesuit and a Dominican are having a debate about which order is better. The Jesuit points out the loyalty to the pope, the adherence to doctrine and the scholarly authority of the Society of Jesus [okay, okay, stop laughing - it's an OLD joke].
The Dominican answers, “Look, we were founded to deal with Albigensians, you guys were founded to deal with Protestants.
“Seen any Albigensians lately??”