> Please do not mistake this dogs vomit for milk.
> That is mocking Christianity.
I have already said that I do not approve of their billboard, and that it is in poor taste. What I am not going to do is condemn their efforts to reach out to prostitutes, drug addicts, homeless folks and homosexuals and to try to convert them into Christians.
That church is not to my personal taste. Highly unlikely that I would choose to attend there. Highly unlikely you would, either. But these people do, and in some form or another Christ is taught there.
Better that than almost all of the alternatives, isn’t it?
That is not reaching out and drawing people to Christ. Maybe they can make some pornos and call it an outreach.
No, Christ is not taught here. What is taught here is a mockery of Christ. And what message of liberation, forgiveness and redemption do any sinners receive in this church? None.
I have no doubt what they receive is a message that affirms their sins. Yes Jesus loves them, but He calls them to repentence so that they may have new life in Him.
Christianity is not just about some nice guy who had some pithy sayings that confounded the ruling classes and who accepted the downtrodden of society. Christianity is about Jesus Christ son of God, second person of the Holy Trinity and His saving death on the Cross. It continues to be a stumbling block. We do no service to anyone if we water down the Truth. This pastor is not giving milk he is feeding lies. Lies which will allow people to continue in slavery.
If this man was honest he would resign his post. For him to continue working for a church is rather like Jimmy Dean working for PETA.