When I see some plain English, I’ll read it.
Incoherent invective is not plain English; nor is it “persuasive.” It has, however, been revealing. Four year olds who can’t formulate a winning argument resort to name calling. I guess all those persuasive Protestant persuaders locked in a multitude of little rooms arguing with each other for their private and personal interpretations of Scripture do too. What a mess.
Christ started a Church. He set up a methodical system to guide it and keep it faithful. The system Christ set up works beautifully. Nowhere in the early Church system Christ set up was there room for any personal interpretation. It was the Apostles’ way, Peter’s way, Rome’s way— or the highway. Paul’s letters to the early Christians implore them NOT to form their own interpretations of Christ’s message but to adhere to the teaching of the Apostles and Christ. He begged them to do it Rome’s way.
I am proud and happy to do it Rome’s way.
We are hoping that some of the wiser folks are permitted to leave the chains of that Roman cult. The rest will be left to the darkness. And, it will be the God of Heaven, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, managing those destinies, not the folks themselves.
“Nowhere in the early Church system Christ set up was there room for any personal interpretation. It was the Apostles way, Peters way, Romes way or the highway.”
Golly. Don’t know why Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would teach us, or where the Holy Spirit has any role at all. Why would the Holy Spirit bother with us, when the Vicar of Christ is ruling?
Frankly, the idea that Jesus set up Rome uber alles is ridiculous. The idea that he set up Peter as the Greatest Apostle, ruling all others is contradicted in scripture, in multiple places.