I notice it does not say "...absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to declare themselves to be be subject to the Roman Pontiff.
“I notice it does not say “...absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to declare themselves to be be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”
No, it doesn’t. Are you making a distinction between witting and unwitting “subjects”? Surely you don’t think that Orthodoxy, in a reunited Church, would agree to allow the Latin Church to indulge in such a fiction, do you? The furthest Orthodoxy might go would be to allow the Papacy to insist that its own people be “subject” to it, but even that is problematical since such subjugation could not possibly be a sine qua non of theosis, which, of course, is what real dogma is.
The Catholics under Boniface figured one had to declare himself to be subject to your pope because they murdered contless thousands or millions who would not make the declaration...Just more pillows...