You would be amazed by the effect ritual has on overcoming this very problem.
Nope. I can sit in a church and my concentration is maybe 5 minutes on a good day. On a bad day the sounds there would make it unbearable. Look if I can't complete the thought process of saying The Lords Prayer at times that says there is another prevailing issue at hand I am dealing with and it's not a spiritual cause. It's the same reason I have problems reading and concentrating. But I can go take a two mile walk and say my prayers such as they are. I'll return much more recharged spiritually than I would an hour in church.
For that matter on a good day I can put on the headphones with Gospel Music and achieve the same. Ironically one of the few things I can do that come easy i playing my old six string. I learned to play on Gospel Songs. Actually it was listening to a Willie Nelson album The Troublemaker LOL. One of my top favorites of several hundred CD's.
GOD gives to each of us our callings and places to be.