It may be, annalex, you will not be given eyes to see exactly what the Scriptures spent 1500 years teaching (from Moses to John). Perhaps, the most succint passage the Scriptures provides with respect to the purpose of all of the requirements comes to us from Paul when he wrote to the Galatians.
Gal. 3:24, 25
“Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.”
The “requirements” of righteousness are there to be a tutor, a teacher, that you are incapable of goodness, holiness, righteousness. It does not come out of you because the equipment in you is not capable of producing it. That “total inability” is what “total depravity” is attempting to describe. These are not catch phrases; they are explanations of Scriptural teachings.
That is what I meant by the message of the Bible being different than what the casual reader thinks it means. Just as the casual reader thinks God can’t find Adam, the casual reader is tempted to think,”God just wants us to be nice.” That is what darkened eyes see. That is Reader’s Digest religion.
But, the faith of the Bible knows that the message is much heavier. Yes, we are totally unable, totally depraved, not because John Calvin said it, but because this is what the Scripture has been teaching all along. Some groups have re-written this to say, “Oh, just be good since He asks that of us. If we slip, then Jesus will forgive.” This is utter nonsense.
The demands of righteousness are a million tons of purity and utter, unblemished holiness. How does a mortal get that? By effort? By trying?
Not according to the Scriptures. But, by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, given as a gift (Eph. 2) as grace poured on God’s elect. (Eph. 1). This is not Calvinism, it is the Gospel. Your organization mangled this story some 1500 years ago and stuck with that aberration. Around 500 years ago, some men stood up and said, “Enough. We need to return to the truth.” One of those happen to be a guy named Calvin. Granted, he added some bad ideas along the way that need thrown out, too. But, the question is, “Did he get this part about requirements correct or is the RCC correct?”
You decide. But, I offer this...whatever you decide, you are not without God’s influence poured upon whatever you choose. He is managing your decision, whether you feel it or not. Proverbs 21:1 “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.” You are in bondage to God, either way.
So would my summary, that the ethical teachings of the Scripture are there solely in order to prove to us our total depravity, be in any way inaccurate?