So, “free” is the “unimpeded” ability to choose one among several selections. Correct?
Okay. Has Satan ever “impeded” anyone? Does God ever “impede” anyone?
Does God know every decision you will make?
In our interactions with Satan and with God we are left with moral choices that are truly ours. Satan does not have the power to impede our free wil, and God does not have the desire to do so, since the free will is a gift He Himself gave us.
This is not to say that we never face impediments, such as economic or physiological limitations, natural obstacles etc. But in the sphere of moral choices we always have achievable choices for good or evil.
Yes, God knows all our decisions, past, present and future. Further — you didn’t ask, but I think it is appropriate to bring this in at this point,— God does lead His Elect but He does so without withdrawing the gift of free will. In fact, those trials that we undergo are the manifestations of His leadership. I mention that so that the reader does not begin to imagine a distant clockmaker God of the enlightenment Deist heresies.