See my post #155. The entire early Church was of one mind on that issue. But what did the early fathers know, right?
And I am really sick and tired of reading about the banal arguments about the "collaborationist" Orthodox Church, as if the Catholic Church stood up to aggression and tyraany. Did German Catholic priests urge young parishoners NOT to serve in the Nazi military?
Did the Catholic church do anything about the slaughter by Fascist Croatian Catholic Ustasha military (in which even some members of the clergy participated)? No, the Catholic Church in Croatia was too busy forcefully "converting" whole villages of Orthodox Serbs! These are historical facts, not rants of someone's own private idea what Catholic is.
53% of people who CLAIM to be Catholic (their second cousin once drove by Bernardin's residence, they admire the pagan gods portrayed on the door of Roger Cardinal McPhony's monstrous cathedral in LA...
I agree about the monstrous "cathedral" but the fact is that 53% of Catholics (and you are in no position to judge them all!) voted for Obama, just as you are in no position to say that all those who voted for McPain are true Catholics.
The other fact is that Catholics and Greek Orthodox traditionally voted for Democrats and that in the past 40 years or so they all knew the pro-abortion position of that party.
The fact is also that Cathoics practice abortions because statistrics show staggering rates in predominantly cathoic countries such as Spain, Italy or France.
It's a fact that Latin women (who are predominantly Catholic) are twice as likely to have an abortion in the US than white women. It is also a fact that politicians who openly support abortion in America received the Eucharist all these decades(!) and still do.
Do I need to remind you of the liturgical abuses that took place in your Church for the past 40 years, or do yo want me to start posting them?
If a bishop of the RCC manifestly apostasizes, I really don't care for a defense that somehow suggests that he is entitled to scandalize...
Do you want to see the picture of the Pope kissing the Koran? How scandalous is that? Next thing you are going to tell me is that he wasn't relly a true Catholic, right? What makes you one? You walk on water?
A good many did. Remember, Himmler left the Catholic Church to join the SS. You could be Catholic (or confessional Lutheran) and be in the Whermact, but not the SS.
You should rephrase that as historically Catholic countries such as . . .