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To: Godzilla; rscully
GZ: Not so fast weedhopper

Oh, your such a funny (looking) guy!

GZ: there is an abundance of evidence – your problem is that the evidence does not support your position.

All the "Evidence" assumed the same thing, a pure genetic sample to start with, a genetically conservative people while apart and a genetically conservative people to compare to. You have to have all three to prove anything conclusive, you have maybe one. Ergo, it does not matter if you looked through a microscope and saw a DNA strand that spelled out "We are not the DNA you're looking for!" (Jedi mind trick optional!) it's just not relevant.

GZ: Your oversimplification is noted.

I was trying to explain it to you, so did I succeed? No you still think you have something, LOL!

GZ: But there are other components of DNA that are evaluated or analyzed.

And mean nothing! Let's give an example: If I take blood from 150 inmates, and mix it all together, then perform a DNA analysis trying to identify a particular murderer... I'd get tossed from Court so fast! I could literally find anything, or miss the Big red throbbing allele that would identify my guy. As a matter of fact, the odds of success are so small it's funny. With population genetics, you are looking at the descendants of a the inmates, and it get's more unsure.

All these studies assume a pure genetic sample to start with so their results are bogus, based on a faulty assumption which anyone who has actually read the Book of Mormon would never make on accident.

When you add to that, "When DNA Evidence is Ignored: Systematic Bias Against Non-Asian Origins of Ancient Americans" The assumption that any DNA that looks like it might come from Europe will cause researchers to reject that DNA as pure Indian as "corrupted"... Guess what? There is lots of Jewish DNA in Europe. So once researchers have thrown out the very alleles they are looking for, they can't find them (If you knock down the tallest building in the city, you just created a new tallest building somewhere else in the city).

GZ: And I repeat you are misquoting me. Markers are found in great abundance, they only do do not support the bom mythology.

I was not aware I was Quoting... By definition, DNA studies can only be based on what markers are found. Saying not found is just the flip side of found. As for not supporting the BOM, the BOM is clear (if you actually read it) that while the American Indians are descendants of Joseph, the majority of their DNA could come from "elsewhere". Mormon makes a point of saying he is "a pure descendant of Lehi. Saying that makes no sense if everyone is a "pure descendant" of Lehi. Add to that that Mormon's "people" were in the process of being wiped out by savages, and well I'm not surprised that you might have problems finding the alleles your looking for, or wait hoping not to find, and therefore finding something else (and thinking that means anything about the Book of Mormon, it doesn't)

GZ: Wow, the great DNA scientist Lindsey.

Wow, The great DNA scientist Godzilla.

If you are making a good argument, people should listen, if Jeff Lindsay makes a good argument, you should (likewise) listen. He makes a good point and sources it. Dismissing him because he is not a geneticist only opens the door for everyone here to dismiss you for the same reason. (Hey maybe this is not such a bad idea after all...)

GZ: Science like you and Lindsey promote put the cart before the horse (or tapir/deer).

Actually, Science like you promote would still have us sailing close to the beach so we don't fall off the edge of the earth.

GZ: You seek to find data to support your theory and ignore the vast amounts of data that show otherwise.

ROTFLOL! Now just turn that sentence around an put it in a paragraph of mine, I can see it now Mod! He's trying to tell me what I'm doing! Moderator, He's touching me! ROTFLOL!

GZ: Real science takes the data, evaluates it and develops a conceptual model with which to test the data and compare other data to.

Um, that includes actually reading the book you are claiming to destroy by it's own tenets, did you? (Um... Nnnno)

GZ: Mormon model is to identify the spiritual goal, then quote mine the studies to support the model. If the data is so conclusive in favor of mormon, why are there four different theories for the location of the bom lands?

You obviously are as "in the dark" about how Mormons do things as you are on the scientific process of DNA studies. God knows where exactly everything took place, if he wanted us to know, we'd know. Apparently he does not think it's important for our salvation.

GZ: If it is so conclusive, why are there no publications in professional journals and societies supporting the argument of Hebrew dna in the early Americas.

Um, why exactly would anyone care if not for the Book of Mormon? Keith Crandall et al can publish all they want and your side will dismiss them faster than Satan condemns righteousness. Why would anyone who didn't have to step into the cesspool anti Mormons always seem to make of discussions that could support Mormons. You know the funny thing is the "let nothing good be said" mentality is so obvious that it allows others to quickly identify and ignore anti Mormons.

GZ: They were all from the same geographic region – Israel and its immediate environs. That is your specific geographic region being studied.

and you know that how? (you don't) you want it to be so. The Book of Mormon (which you have not read) is clear about our lack of knowledge of the history the many of the people the Nephites met in the Americas.

DU: Mormon, towards the end of the Book of Mormons makes a point of saying he is a pure descendant of Lehi, as if this was a rare thing.

GZ: Means simply he has no blood of the Lamanites, nothing surprising there.

Is that what it means? Laman, Nephi's brother is also a descendent of Lehi, so being a "Pure descendant" of Lamanites would also make you a descendant of Lehi (Laman and Nephi's father). Then again if you actually read the book you might just know what you are talking about instead of making embarrassing statements like that. Here, let me highlight your massive blunder in logic and genetics for you:

DU: Mormon, towards the end of the Book of Mormon makes a point of saying he is a pure descendant of Lehi, as if this was a rare thing.

GZ: Means simply he has no blood of the Lamanites, nothing surprising there.

So descending from Nephi makes you a descendant of Lehi, but being a descendant of Laman (Nephi's full brother) does not -- Brilliance and genetic understanding on display by Godzilla.

GZ: Simple truth again DU – a group of individuals from the environs of Israel populate the new world,

Right there, is the flaw, the Book of Mormon does not say they are the only ones there, and it explicitly talks about meeting other people in the Americas. It really helps to have read the book, you know? Now back to your illogical slander:

GZ: but some how their dna is changed to resemble Asiatic peoples.

We do not claim any such thing, but why bother, here, have some more rope!

GZ: I am not superstitious about it, I simply evaluate the mountain of evidence to the contrary and am not constrained question the foundations of science on the basis of theological assumptions.

So now you stopped reading the Book of Mormon because of a Scientific evidence? My mistake, I thought you had "Bad" feelings and decided God didn't want to you to read it after calling a friend. Where on earth did I get that Idea...

DU: You know what Argumentum ad Ignorantiam is, right?

GZ: Every time I read one of your posts.

LOL! I Guess I do point out this fallacy that you keep making, but every post?

GZ: Mormon application:
If there was a civilization that numbered in the millions upon millions from sea to sea that originated from the environs of Israel, then we would have undeniable evidence of it by now.
We do not have undeniable evidence of an advanced Hebrew society in the Americas Therefore, these peoples did not / do not exist.
The Mormon rebuttal to our "Position" as stated by someone who is not a Mormon, and has not even read the book he is critiquing:
The Book of Mormon is not specific as to the size of land, it does mention bodies of water, but does not specify "sea to sea", nor does the Book of Mormon say Millions.
The Book of Mormon says that at the time of Jesus Christs death, the earth in the Americas went through major earthquakes and civilization was essentially destroyed.
Civilization never recovered, From the artifacts that have been found this matches with the Geological and Archeological history of the Americas.
GZ: Is that simple enough for you DU?

Simple and wrong, but simple, but hey, you wrote it so...

DU: All your DNA "evidence" not with standing, the Book of Mormon, didn't and Mormons for that matter don't claim that the American Indians were pure genetic descendants of Lehi, we don't and never did, the Book of Mormon itself bears witness of that. Ignoring evidence that proves you wrong and is a fallacy in and of itself.

GZ: Dishonesty in the matter is unbecoming of you. Laman (Lehi's oldest son) were called Lamanites.

OK, now you are calling me a liar about a book you have never read, and I have read many times. This is funny, it's like I had only read Genesis and was arguing with you about what Jesus said based on what others had said the Bible said. Do you see how silly you look doing this?

I am going to post part of My page, specifically, the section on DNA and the Book of Mormon, where I talk about the erroneous assumptions people make in thinking DNA will be found to prove the Book of Mormon wrong.

DNA geological studies require three things
  1. A Pure genetic sample starting from a common ancestor group.
  2. A genetically conservative group when living apart.
  3. A genetically conservative group also from the same ancestor group for comparison.
Most genetic researches concerning the Book of Mormon assume the Book of Mormon says the ancestors of the American Indians meet these criteria, lets actually examine what the Book of Mormon says instead of "assuming".

Supposition # 1, A Pure genetic sample starting from a common ancestor group: Supposition #2 A genetically conservative group When living apart: Supposition #3 A genetically conservative group also from the same ancestor group for comparison: So, out of three things that are needed to get a match we have one. What should we find when doing this comparison?

We should get different answers with differing samples, and Gee, that's what we get.
A note to me, the Mulekites actually married in to the Nephites, but since the two intermingle at the time of Christ it's a moot point, but fix your page DU...

Since this is on my page and my page has not been updated since January 8th of this year, this is not something "New" just for you, this is what I have been saying, and what the Book of Mormon has been saying since it was first published.

I'll wait for that apology for calling me a liar...(Crickets...)

DU: The problem you have in making a good argument is that unless you can see your opponent's point you cannot accurately refute it. Anti's generally don't want to understand, just refute, thus they make tactically poor arguments such as yours here.

GZ: No, I know what your argument is. Your only defense is to obfuscate the issue to confuse the lurker – as usual.

ROTFLOL! Obfuscate and Confuse? LOL! I've actually started receiving fan mail for my posts on this Thread! (Thanks, Keep em coming!) How can you possibly be posting in a clear and concise manner about a book you have not read, quoting plant geneticists instead of population geneticists, and on top of that you seem to think that DNA is a magic wand with no requirements for an accurate result?

I will agree with you that one of us is obfuscating...

DU: The question anti's should be asking first is: "Does the Book of Mormon say the People in the Americas' preserved their genetics to the point where it could be proven wrong with DNA. The answer is no.

GZ: Wrong, it has already been shown by the Lemba tribe that this can be done and over the same period of time covered by the bom. One of these days you’ll get over that selective memory.

Speaking of Selective memory, did you forget that Keith Crandall is one of the Leading Scientists in the team that proved the link for the Lemba tribe? (that was why he was asked to review Simon Southerton's work...) You can't even discuss a precedent without quoting Keith Crandall's work, how can you then say he's wrong on this? I suppose he's a "fallen Scientist" now that he joined the Church... LOL!

You guys are funny, thanks for the laugh, give us some more "examples" from Keith's past to prove he's wrong now, come on you can do it if you try.

Lurkers please note the points here, The prior work quoted is Keith Crandall's. Keith is a specialist, Keith says you cannot prove the Book of Mormon wrong with DNA. Keith says if you want to find some Hebrew DNA, your best bet is the descendants of the Myans. (He does not say it's scientifically verifiable, he says if you want to believe that there is evidence to support it.) Keith took the obvious and logical route of reading the book he was going to challenge scientifically, and joined the church after his study was completed.

For a really easy review of the science, watch these:
part 1 The Book of Mormon and New World DNA
part 2 The Book of Mormon and New World DNA
Part 3 The Book of Mormon and New World DNA
Godzilla, please keep posting, this has been fun!
215 posted on 02/18/2009 1:11:08 PM PST by DelphiUser ("You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think")
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To: DelphiUser
ll the "Evidence" assumed the same thing, a pure genetic sample to start with, a genetically conservative people while apart and a genetically conservative people to compare to. You have to have all three to prove anything conclusive, you have maybe one. Ergo, it does not matter if you looked through a microscope and saw a DNA strand that spelled out "We are not the DNA you're looking for!" (Jedi mind trick optional!) it's just not relevant.

Your arguments would not be persuasive to these people at the National Geographic Society nor the many, many scientists pursuing these studies.

And mean nothing! Let's give an example:

As I said in a previous post, your understanding of the types and variety of dna related research makes your example incredibly obtuse as each blood cell carries individual dna and mixing blood from different people is not what is occurring in these studies. Simple enough that I get it, but your example indicates you don’t.

All these studies assume a pure genetic sample to start with so their results are bogus, based on a faulty assumption which anyone who has actually read the Book of Mormon would never make on accident.

Once again, the Lemba tribe has proven your statement wrong. They worked with the samples they had and followed the genetics to Israel. Similar group of people separated by the same length of time in conditions where there was more genetic mixing than indicated in the bom.

There is lots of Jewish DNA in Europe. So once researchers have thrown out the very alleles they are looking for, they can't find them

Another flawed strawman DUh. You are assuming the science is so flawed that they cannot identify these? You need to get past the whole groups DU and realize technology and science is at a point where they have accurately categorized halogroup subtypes and sub sub types.

I was not aware I was Quoting... By definition, DNA studies can only be based on what markers are found. Saying not found is just the flip side of found. As for not supporting the BOM, the BOM is clear (if you actually read it) that while the American Indians are descendants of Joseph, the majority of their DNA could come from "elsewhere". Mormon makes a point of saying he is "a pure descendant of Lehi.

Laman was the son of Lehi, the others that came later all came from the environs around Israel, therefore they would carry the same distinctive genes that would identify them from the region. Genetic mapping doesn’t trace individuals as you assume, but people groups from the same region

if Jeff Lindsay makes a good argument, you should (likewise) listen. He makes a good point and sources it.

Apparently you cannot follow the sources of info that Lindsey cited that I followed up on to see if what he was claiming in his argument had basis to be correct. Fact was he was picking selective citations that were generic enough to obfuscate the issue rather than head on.

Actually, Science like you promote would still have us sailing close to the beach so we don't fall off the edge of the earth.

My science has evidence from multiple disciplines showing the earth is round. Mormon science says the earth is flat and with enough time evidence will appear to prove them correct.

GZ: Real science takes the data, evaluates it and develops a conceptual model with which to test the data and compare other data to.
Um, that includes actually reading the book you are claiming to destroy by it's own tenets, did you? (Um... Nnnno)

Mind reading again, I’ve read the book in all its glorious boredom, repetition and ridiculousness. The bom model for new world settlement is not supported by the observations and data from multiple scientific disciplines.

You obviously are as "in the dark" about how Mormons do things as you are on the scientific process of DNA studies. God knows where exactly everything took place, if he wanted us to know, we'd know. Apparently he does not think it's important for our salvation.

Oh it is important to your salvation. . . . what is that funny little book you always want me to read and pray about. . . . . it is the entry level drug for mormonism. If false, then you’ve been following a false prophet (I know you are anyway from other sources besides bom DNA).

Um, why exactly would anyone care if not for the Book of Mormon? Keith Crandall et al can publish all they want and your side will dismiss them faster than Satan condemns righteousness. Why would anyone who didn't have to step into the cesspool anti Mormons always seem to make of discussions that could support Mormons.

So Asian migrationists are now the new anti-mormons LOL. He would have to defend his scientific reasoning with peers in the open world. If he is the sharp noodle you say he is, his paper should revolutionize the DNA studies of the world. His peers would judge the data and interpretation on the scientific merits. Crandall is smart enough to realize that his mormon testimony is in adequate to meet the task of making up for the loss of scientific merit in such a work.

and you know that how? (you don't) you want it to be so. The Book of Mormon (which you have not read) is clear about our lack of knowledge of the history the many of the people the Nephites met in the Americas.

2 Nephi 1:8 strongly indicates the lands were empty. The bom makes no mention of any of the pre-colombian tribes that were present in the region – especially those that dominated central America (just for you limited geography fans). These pre-Colombian peoples were present in the millions and already had a developed culture, as well as being quite war like. Mormon history just ran aground on the reality of pre-colombian America.

Is that what it means? Laman, Nephi's brother is also a descendent of Lehi, so being a "Pure descendant" of Lamanites would also make you a descendant of Lehi (Laman and Nephi's father). Then again if you actually read the book you might just know what you are talking about instead of making embarrassing statements like that.

The Lamanites were originally Nephites who broke off early and began their own race. As such, they too were descendents of Lehi, just like Ishmael’s descendents were also descendents of Abraham. Do you want to make more embarrassing statements DU? Use bright colors when you do.

Right there, is the flaw, the Book of Mormon does not say they are the only ones there, and it explicitly talks about meeting other people in the Americas. It really helps to have read the book, you know? Now back to your illogical slander:

How do you slander a piece of fiction? Nephi indicates the lands were not occupied. The Mulekites arrived from the area of Israel. Jarodites arrived much sooner, but true to form, began fighting each other and killed each other off. Nothing even remotely resembling the cultures of pre-colombian America. So now you stopped reading the Book of Mormon because of a Scientific evidence? My mistake, I thought you had "Bad" feelings and decided God didn't want to you to read it after calling a friend. Where on earth did I get that Idea...

God is not limited to heart burn when revealing His truth.

The Mormon rebuttal to our "Position" as stated by someone who is not a Mormon, and has not even read the book he is critiquing:

Deliberate misrepresentation, but par for your course.

The Book of Mormon is not specific as to the size of land, it does mention bodies of water, but does not specify "sea to sea", nor does the Book of Mormon say Millions.

: Terms such as "multitude," "numerous," "exceedingly great," "innumerable," and "as the sands of the sea" are present in abundance in the bom. 300,000 Lamanites were involved in just one battle IIRC. You would need a population base in the millions to support an army of that size. Alma 2:17-19 reports a total of 19,094 fatalities. On the basis of these figures John Sorenson, estimated the total Nephite-Lamanite population to be over 600,000 at that time (about 200,000 Nephites-Amlicites and over 400,000 Lamanites). Helman 3:8 covers the quote about the seas quite nicely, covering the face of the whole earth.

The Book of Mormon says that at the time of Jesus Christs death, the earth in the Americas went through major earthquakes and civilization was essentially destroyed. Civilization never recovered, From the artifacts that have been found this matches with the Geological and Archeological history of the Americas.

Well, you tweaked my interest, please document these earthquakes that destroyed entire civilizations in the Americas, as this geological history should be most enlightening.

DNA geological studies require three things

As I said earlier, you ought to pass that info to the Nat’l Geo group doing some of the studies LOL

AFA your strawman supposition string goes Lehi, Nephi, Muelkites, Ishmael and Zoram were all from the immediate region around Israel – as such they would carry the semitic genetic marker DNA. The fact that Siberian / Asiatic DNA markers are the primary ones discovered in native populations are present even before bom times (yes, that’s right, in mummies dated well before 600 BC). You sequence falls apart when it hits science (see Nat’l Geo link earlier)

Speaking of Selective memory, did you forget that Keith Crandall is one of the Leading Scientists in the team that proved the link for the Lemba tribe? (that was why he was asked to review Simon Southerton's work...) You can't even discuss a precedent without quoting Keith Crandall's work, how can you then say he's wrong on this? I suppose he's a "fallen Scientist" now that he joined the Church... LOL!

Too bad he couldn’t properly apply what he learned to the Lamanites.

242 posted on 02/18/2009 4:15:54 PM PST by Godzilla (Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?)
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