If you are as open-minded as you think you are and are willing to consider one of the best presentations for creation then would you please do us all a favor and read www.creationscience.com - it’s written by Dr Walt Brown, a former evolution scientist who saw the error of his ways.
Other than Genesis the other main reason YEC hold fast to 6-10k years of history is simply found in the Biblical genealogies that describe how old each father was when his son was born. Following that lineage leaves a very short history.
Lastly, how do you resovle the ideas for millions of years between creation of plants and then animals (they really do depend on each other for life) and also how could death enter the world with the sin of Adam and Eve if they were preceeded by plants and animals dieing for millions of years befre the creation of man?
LOL! That's one of the best presentations for creation? Please tell me your scientific background. High school class? College class? College degree?
By the way, I am a creationist. I am not a Young-Earth Creationist because it is neither consistent with what God has revealed to us through his creation nor is it required by the Bible. Same with the flood. I believe it happened, but God's revelation through his creation does not show any evidence that it was worldwide and God's revelation through his Bible does not require it to be worldwide either.
Hear are just a few of Dr. Walt's claims and the problems with those claims:
- A simple, visual examination of limestone grains shows that few are ground-up seashells or corals, as some believe.
Wrong. I happen to live over the Austin Chalk formation. During my career, I have drilled into in more times than I can count and have textbooks with photomicrographs of the Austin Chalk in them. While there are some chalks that are non-organic in origin, the vast majority is made of microscopic shells. Here's a picture. Many more photographs of chalk from various places here. Doesn't look like ground-up seashells to me. Dr. Walt is lying to you.
Why do Young-Earthers have to lie? I see it all the time.
- In other words, when liquid water [H2O (l)] containing dissolved (or aqueous) CO2 [CO2(aq)] comes in contact with solid limestone [CaCO3(s)], the limestone dissolves and the chemical reaction moves to the right. Conversely, for every 44 grams of CO2 that escape the solution, 100 grams of limestone precipitate and the reaction moves back to the left.
Vastly oversimplified and an outright lie. The main factor is the pH of the water, not the amount of CO2. While CO2 has an acidifying affect, there are many factors affecting the pH of water other than CO2. Ocean water has a pH of 8 (it's non-acidic). It won't dissolve limestone.
The oceans already contain, in a dissolved state, 50 times the amount of CO2 than is in the entire atmosphere.
Supercritical water (SCW) readily dissolves certain minerals and other solids.Dr. Walt does not even know what supercritical water is. It was just recently discovered in nature for the first time. From the context, I presume that he really means supersatured water. And you call this guy an expert? LOL!
- At the earths surface, this gas enters the atmosphere. Had all limestone slowly precipitated in surface waters, as much carbon would have been released into the atmosphere (as CO2) as was precipitated in limestone (as CaCO3). ... That amount of carbon in the atmosphere and seas would have made them toxic hundreds of times over.
Here, Dr. Walt unwittingly makes the case for an old earth. The Dallas area was once covered by seas that were 300 feet and grew shallower over time. We know this from the fossil record. If the sedimentation occurred over a couple of days during the flood, as he claims, then the amount of CO2 generated would have been toxic. If generated over millions of years, the oceans would have absorbed the CO2 and there would have been no toxicity.
- Surface waters could not have held the 60,000,000 × 1015 grams of carbon needed to produce todays limestone without making them hundreds of times too toxic for sea life to exist.
Dr. Walt is assuming that the surface waters would have held this amount of CO2 at a single time. Untrue. Again, he unwittingly makes the case for an old earth.
- Earths vast limestone layers are overwhelmingly inorganic.
Flat-out lie. Also here and all over the internet. After having done so much work with the Austin Chalk that underlies a large portion of Texas, I can tell from career experience that this is a total lie.
I could spend the next two days refuting this garbage.
Walt Brown is a total buffoon. He is either incredibly ignorant or intentionally preys on people with no scientific education to gain adherents to believe in Young-Earth Creationism.
Other than Genesis the other main reason YEC hold fast to 6-10k years of history is simply found in the Biblical genealogies that describe how old each father was when his son was born. Following that lineage leaves a very short history.
What about the contradicting genealogies between Matthew and I Chronicles?
Some claim this proves the Bible isn't true. I (and many others) argue that genealogies may sometimes refer to clans and omit the names of bad people. Thus, when the Bible says "Fred begat Alfie and Alfie begat Henry," there may be 20 generations between Fred and Alfie and 28 generations between Alfie and Henry. Alfie was a new clan descended from Fred and Henry was a clan descended from Alfie. Scottish clans do the same thing.
How do you explain the inconsistent genealogies?
Lastly, how do you resovle the ideas for millions of years between creation of plants and then animals (they really do depend on each other for life)
The earliest plants did not depend on animal life. That came later.
...and also how could death enter the world with the sin of Adam and Eve if they were preceeded by plants and animals dieing for millions of years befre the creation of man?
What makes you think that there was no death before Adam and Eve? What do you think lions ate? What do you think vultures ate? What do you think creep, crawly things that feed on carrion ate? Did plants live forever? Here is a picture of a 95 million-year old fossilized fish with another fossilized fish in its stomach.
The Bible is clear that the Garden of Eden was a special place from the rest of the earth. Spiritual death entered the human race when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. The Bible is quite clear on that. Adam and Eve did not physically die for many centuries later, so that's another Biblical strike against the "yom must equal 24-hours" theory invented by Young Earth Creationists. It's quite possible that Adam and Eve were not created to physically live forever. The Bible is moot on this point.