Let me just say that I think many of you can only wish to have a 1,700 year old unbroken liturgical tradition and the faith of the Church that canonized the Bible because then none of your circus I have been showing you (and there are much worse examples that I will never show) would have never allowed it, and your sheepish laity would have never followed.
Religious pride is indeed a dangerous thing...
Sorry that I have offended you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forive me - although you seem to enjoy rubbing our faces in the fact that there have been liturgical abuses in the West. I can assure you I had nothing to do with that, so why must you keep showing us that?
repsonding to a sly remark is religious pride? Why? Because truth hurts? I have nothing to do with your painful truth. I merely showed some exmaples and only when challenged with denials and more rleigious pride.
Sorry that I have offended you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forive me - although you seem to enjoy rubbing our faces in the fact that there have been liturgical abuses in the West. I can assure you I had nothing to do with that, so why must you keep showing us that?
I don't hold grudges. I hope and wish my Cathoic brothers all the best in patching up their House. I take no joy at being forced with denials and religious pride to post facts about what was done to your Church and the fact that the vast majority of your laity simply went along using the lame excuse "we didn't know it was wrong."
All of the pre Vatican II generation knew it was wrong, they just went along like sheep, because in your Church you can't challenege clergy. I am sorry, that makes us two very different, and muutually incmpatible Churches. The post-Vatican II generation doesn't know what is right and what is wrong because they were raised in an "anything goes" church.
I can assure you I had nothing to do with that, so why must you keep showing us that?
I believe you. What are you doing about it now?