I suppose This statement from the catholic charities usa website fosters individual responsibility
Catholic Charities USA supports tax policies that strengthen low-income families and individuals and address the needs of the poor and the vulnerable. This includes expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which is widely credited with lifting millions of families and individuals out of poverty every year. Catholic Charities USA also supports protecting low-income persons receiving EITC from predatory financial practices in tax preparation servicesI'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by considering you a bigoted ignoramus, but I have my suspicions that you're a redistributionist trying to cover the blatantly socialist orientation of the Catholic bureaucracy with your lies. .
Explain what you disagree with regarding this summary of Rerum Novarum, since you seem to think the Church is a socialist organization. Do you believe workers don't have a right to unionize? Do you believe that free markets untempered by personal morality are desirable? Catholic Charities is not the Church.
bigoted ignoramous? That’s the best you can do? How about puerile and obfuscatory, or myopic and boorish? If you want to swing vocabulary instead of something else, brush up on your William F. Buckley, now there was a man who knew how to insult people.
If you’re going to throw insults, bring more than excerpts and the abridged dictionary. As far as bigotry goes, your blatantly anti-Catholic screed shows that you are engaging in nothing more than projection. In the thread I also listed two Papal Encyclicals, maybe you want to try reading something rather than burning it.
Redistributionist? You obviously know nothing about me, or my economic stance which is an embrace of Adam Smith, free markets, and supply side economics. Your anti-catholicism puts me in mine of a quote by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:
“Not more than a hundred people in the world hate the Catholic Church; thousands however hate what they think it is.”