" For what kind of (supposition) is it, that, while the devil is always operating and adding daily to the ingenuities of iniquity, the work of God should either have ceased, or else have desisted from advancing? whereas the reason why the Lord sent the Paraclete was, that, since human mediocrity was unable to take in all things at once, discipline should, little by little, be directed, and ordained, and carried on to perfection, by that Vicar of the Lord, the Holy Spirit.[2] " Grant, then, that all have erred; that the apostle was mistaken in giving his testimony; that the Holy Ghost ... He, the Steward of God, the Vicar of Christ ...[1] "
Fascinating. The only thing that is shocking is how not shocked I am. LOL! Just another in a long line of examples of pulling God down to raise men up. God must decrease so that men may increase.
Fascinating, indeed. Thanks for this eye-opening fact.
Another false underpinning falls away. Great find !
shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach Adonai