There is a syndrome at work here of those who sadly refuse to engage in intelligent dialog because some part of their souls fears being convinced of the truth of Catholicism.
This is both bitter (in that they resist His truth so powerfully) and yet sweet (because this behavior acknowledges by fear the truth of Catholicism).
Pray for these souls, brother, as will I.
[Pray for these souls, brother, as will I.]
Indeed I will.
They start with a significant disadvantage in that they have a false belief that all Catholics are ignorant of Holy Scripture and other religious study, whereas the truth of it is they demonstrate an ignorance of the totality of Divine Revelation.
Whereas the Church arrived at Truth by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they arrive at their false truth by cherry picking verses from Holy Scripture (and scholarly writings) to justify their heresy...which they believe to be truth.
In all of the above they come across as shallow, uneducated and, unfortunately, as not truly seeking God.
I don’t fear Catholicism nor to I fear being convinced of its truth. I don’t think any of my brothers and sisters of the faith fear it either. Straw man.