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To: fanfan

Dear Fanfan; Please read the following testimony of:

Warren Smith is a former New Age follower who at one time was deeply involved in the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles. He is the author of these insightful books:

As a former New Age follower and devoted student of A Course in Miracles, I eventually discovered that the Course in Miracles was—in reality—the truth of the Bible turned upside down. Not having a true understanding of the Bible at the time of my involvement, I was led to believe that A Course in Miracles was “a gift from God” to help everyone understand the “real” meaning of the Bible and to help bring peace to the world. Little did I know that the New Age “Christ” and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles were everything the real Jesus Christ warned us to watch out for. In Matthew 24 Jesus warned about false teachers, false teachings and the false “Christs” who would pretend to be He.

When I left the New Age “Christ” to follow the Bible’s Jesus Christ, I had come to understand that the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles was a false “Christ,” and that his Course in Miracles was dangerously deceptive. Here are some quotes from the “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles:

“There is no sin. . . “ 9 [See note]
A “slain Christ has no meaning.”10
“The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey.”11
“Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged cross.’”12
“The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol... It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”13
“God is in everything I see.”14
“The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.”15
“The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”16
“The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.”17
Most Christians recognize that these teachings are the opposite of what the Bible teaches. In the Bible, Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross of Calvary was hardly a “useless journey.” His triumph on the cross provides salvation to all those who confess their sin, accept Him and follow Him as their Lord and Saviour. His victory on the cross rings throughout the New Testament. It has been gloriously sung about in beloved hymns through the ages and is at the heart of our Christian testimony.

I found the Jesus of the Bible to be wholly believable as He taught God’s truth and warned about the spiritual deception that would come in His name. The “Jesus” of A Course in Miracles reveals himself to be an imposter when he blasphemes the true Jesus Christ by saying that a “slain Christ has no meaning” and that we are all “God” and that we are all “Christ.” It was by reading the Bible’s true teachings of Jesus Christ that I came to understand how deceived I had been by A Course in Miracles and my other New Age teachings.

I was introduced to A Course in Miracles by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky’s book Love is Letting Go of Fear. Jampolsky declared in his easy-to-read book how the teachings of A Course in Miracles had changed his life. As an ambassador for A Course in Miracles over the years, Jampolsky has been featured not only in New Age circles but at least twice on Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power. While Schuller introduced Jampolsky and his “fabulous”18 Course in Miracles-based books to his worldwide television audience, it was Marianne Williamson’s appearance on a 1992 Oprah Winfrey Show that really shook the rafters.

On that program, Oprah enthusiastically endorsed Williamson’s book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. Oprah told her television audience that Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles was one of her favorite books, and that she had already bought a thousand copies and would be handing them out to everyone in her studio audience. Oprah’s endorsement skyrocketed Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Ironically, all of this was happening after I had left the Course and the New Age. In fact, I was doing the final editing on my book The Light That Was Dark that warned about the dangers of the New Age—and in particular A Course in Miracles.

After being introduced to the world on Oprah, Marianne Williamson has continued to grow in popularity and, as previously mentioned, has become one of today’s foremost New Age leaders. Williamson credits Winfrey for bringing her book about A Course in Miracles before the world: “For that, my deepest thanks to Oprah Winfrey. Her enthusiasm and generosity have given the book, and me, an audience we would never otherwise have had.”19 In her 2004 book, The Gift of Change, Williamson wrote:

“Twenty years ago, I saw the guidance of the Course as key to changing one’s personal life; today, I see its guidance as key to changing the world. More than anything else, I see how deeply the two are connected.”20

Thus the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles are about to be taught by Marianne Williamson to millions of listeners on Oprah’s XM Satellite Radio program. Listeners are encouraged to buy A Course in Miracles for the year-long course. An audio version of A Course in Miracles recited by Richard (John Boy Walton) Thomas is also available on compact disc.

Popular author Wayne Dyer told his PBS television audience that the “brilliant writing” of A Course in Miracles would produce more peace in the world.21 Williamson’s New Age colleague, Neale Donald Walsch, said his “God” stated that “the era of the Single Saviour is over”22 and that he (“God”) was responsible for authoring the teachings of A Course in Miracles.23

Meanwhile, Gerald Jampolsky’s Course in Miracles-based book, Forgiveness, continues to be sold in Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral bookstore as Schuller prepares to host a January 17-19, 2008, “Rethink Conference” at his Crystal Cathedral.24

At this critical time in the history of the world, the New Gospel/New Spirituality is coming right at the world and the church with its New Age teachings and its New Age Peace Plan. But this New Age Peace Plan has at its deceptive core the bottom-line teaching from A Course in Miracles that “we are all one” because God is “in” everyone and everything. But the Bible is clear that we are not God (Ezekiel 28:2; Hosea 11:9). And per Galatians 3:26-28, our only oneness is in Jesus Christ—not in ourselves as “God” and “Christ.” What Oprah and Marianne Williamson and the world will learn one day is that humanity’s only real and lasting peace is with the true Jesus Christ who is described and quoted in the Holy Bible (Romans 5:1).

Oprah Winfrey’s misplaced faith in Marianne Williamson and the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles is a sure sign of the times. But an even surer sign of the times is that most Christians are not taking heed to what is happening in the world and in the church. We are not contending for the faith as the Bible admonishes us to do (Jude 3).

It is time for all of our Purpose-Driven and Emerging church pastors to address the real issue of the day. Our true Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is being reinvented, redefined, and blasphemed right in front of our eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice or care. If we want the world to know who Jesus Christ is, we need to also warn them about who He is not. There is a false New Age “Christ” making huge inroads into the world and into the church. The Apostle Paul said that “it is a shame” we have to even talk about these things, but talk about them we must (Ephesians 5:12-16).

If people want to follow Oprah Winfrey and the New Age “Christ” of A Course in Miracles they certainly have that right. But let them be warned that the New Age “Christ” they are following is not the same Jesus Christ who is so clearly and authoritatively presented in the pages of the Bible.

54 posted on 06/07/2008 10:47:10 PM PDT by Ready2go (Isa 5:20 Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil;)
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To: Ready2go

Wonderful post.


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To: Ready2go

I believe that the deceptions in THE COURSE OF MIRACLES

is just a precursor of the much heavier handed deceptions the globalists and their fallen angel/ watcher co-horts will be bringing to the planet . . . millenia in the making and staging.

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To: Ready2go; All
The following map from Stan Deyo's site is labeled Hopi sea rise map.

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To: Ready2go; All

Gleanings from

Stan was employed in highly classified positions affording him knowledge of some of the UFO/ET stuff. He is not a fierce Biblical Christian


The Coming “Alien” Deception

This Dream woke me at 04:30 today, 13 August 2007.

I sat in a small wooden church - like a country church - with a group of pastors in several rows facing the pastor chairing the meeting. Pastors in the first row were generally taller and stronger men, both physically and spiritually, than those in the second row where I sat.

The pastor to my right turned and spoke, “I have a strong feeling something is about to happen. Do you?”

Somewhat uncertain, I answered, “Yes I think so.”

Then the pastor to my left exclaimed, “Yes, I feel it too!”

Some pastors in the first row turned around to look at us as if to express their dismay at our lack of discernment.

The scene then changed to my home, at night, where Holly and I stood. Two ‘beings’ who seemed to be angels from God walked up to us. They were female with short glowing wings like angels might be expected to possess; however, their bodies did not glow - just their wings.

They said they had come to take us to a secret meeting in the Arizona desert. One was blonde with short hair; the other had dark brunette-to-black short hair. Both were small in stature… possibly 5.5 feet or so. They seemed to be unnaturally playful - joking between themselves and smiling at us from time to time.

We got into our car; they slouched in the back saying they were exhausted from telling so many folks to go to the meeting place.

We drove through the night until we needed gas. We stopped at a filling station where a couple of men and a woman were on duty. After I filled the car, I stood before one of the men to pay the bill. He said it would be $40, so I searched my wallet for the money and found only $15. Flustered I reached for a credit card. What I had taken from my wallet appeared to be theatre tickets - not a credit card. I apologized for the delay and reached again for a credit card. Again I found a piece of paper in my hand, not a credit card. Finally after three tries to pay the bill, I found a credit card and we were ready to continue the journey.

Suddenly I found myself inside the mind of the blonde-haired ‘being’ as she lay against the right rear passenger door - somewhat sleepily. Although she could not see through the door with normal vision, she was able to ‘see’ the woman who worked at the filling station sneaking up to the car to see who was in the back seat. The blonde-haired being wasn’t threatened and simply went back to sleep. (I felt the woman who sneaked up to the car was like a motorcycle moll with evil intent. It made me wonder why the blonde-haired ‘being’ was not threatened… was it because she could not be hurt or was it because she was evil herself and meaner than the motorcycle moll?)

We left the filling station and continued into the night getting closer and closer to the Arizona meeting place but becoming more remote with each mile. We noticed more cars heading the same direction ahead of us and behind as well.

After a time, we stopped at a small convenience store run by a local guy. The store had two rooms: an anteroom (like a mud room for dirty shoes one would find in a typical farm or ranch house) and the main store viewed through a normal doorway. It was still pitch black outside.

We walked inside the store and asked the clerk for a map to the meeting place. He gave us an unusual one which allowed us to mentally ‘see’ this area like a 3D version of Google Earth. We observed as the map ‘flew’ us into a deep canyon filled with huge pointed rock formations. The map took us over the top of the meeting place where a rectangular, barn-like structure sat below us, surrounded by natural rock barriers. It was not easily accessible nor inviting.

Once the map had shown us where to go, we were suddenly back at the anteroom facing into the main store. A farming couple entered the anteroom who looked somewhat like members of a Mennonite or Quaker church. They were aloof.

As I looked at the man standing between me and the door to the main store, he glanced down at his feet in a manner as to direct my gaze to that area. At our feet was a scale model of the barn-like structure we had seen in the map. It was about 1.0 x 2.5 feet by .75 feet high. It had been cut neatly into two halves of about 1.25 feet each.

The man scooted the back half toward a rectangular hole just a bit smaller than the barn footprint in the floor between us. I looked down through the hole and saw another room with a couple of things in it like boxes sitting on a wooden floor. His half of the ‘mini-barn’ moved neatly over the back half of the hole. He motioned for me to place the other half of the barn over the hole to conceal it. As I did so slowly, I sensed something wrong with the whole dream.

I looked out the anteroom window to where huge numbers of cars streamed toward the ‘secret’ meeting place. Somehow I knew there were about 2 million people headed for this place. I saw the faces of many of them as their cars passed by. They looked like simple farm folk (which somehow conveyed to me they were not well-educated in the written Word or the Bible).

Suddenly, I realized what I was seeing. Humble, uneducated Believers thought they were going to gathered up to meet their ‘messiah’ in something like a ‘rapture’. They were falling into a trap because of their lack of knowledge about this clever deception. I recalled from the Bible:

Matt. 24:24-27 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Behold, I have told you before.

Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

I knew I had to wake up and tell Believers to beware of a very clever deception coming soon. As I awoke, I remembered what I had written in 1978 in “The Cosmic Conspiracy”. I had warned that superbeings posing as angels from God would arrive on Earth at a time of great global threat from various factors like world and local wars, famine, disease, climate change, financial chaos and possible asteroid impacts to offer ‘peace and safety’ to the nations under their leadership… Their arrival and their UFOs would be a great cosmic deception….

Next, I remembered a dream from 1996 which showed me and a number of fellow watchpersons in a desert setting where we witnessed a rain of burning embers falling to Earth over the northern, pre-dawn skies of California in increasing numbers. I wondered if the falling, flaming embers represented fallen angels cast down to Earth in the last days who they would follow Satan in a great global deception (with the exception of the Elect Believers). With the current increase in UFO sightings across the planet, I wondered if the time of their arrival was near.

In an effort to deceive as many Believers as possible before the Day of Judgment, Satan has and does provide fake versions of the good things God plans to release on Earth. Before the real Messiah came to Israel, several men falsely claimed to be the Deliverer of Israel. Now, before the return of the Ruling Messiah Y’shua (Jesus), Satan will again produce a false messiah along with a false prophet and himself as rulers of Earth.

Furthermore, I believe this dream related to you today tells of a fake ‘rapture’ of Believers who are ignorant of the knowledge of the deception and that fake from Satan precedes a true ‘rapture’ of Believers by God to follow soon after.

So, I share this dream with all Followers of the Way of Y’shua Ben Elohim in a last ditch effort to educate them and their fellow Believers regarding the great deception which is almost certainly upon us in the immediate future.

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To: Ready2go; fanfan

Thanks for post #54 exposing some of the deceptions in “A Course in Miracles”.

69 posted on 06/08/2008 9:21:58 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Ready2go; All

More gleanings from Stan Deyo’s site:

China Event to Signal Major Earth Changes
Says Maori Elder

In the last few days, Holly and I have received some intriguing email from New Zealand. We asked the sender, Karen Lyster, for her permission to share them with you as they transpire because of the potentially “explosive” nature of their warnings.... See what you think.... - Stan and Holly Deyo, 8 August 1998

Karen Lyster is a friend of ours living in New Zealand. We met her when Stan was lecturing in Auckland last year. She is a very level-headed, insightful woman, not one guided by sensationalism. She sent the following messages which are certainly eye-opening. Before you read them, let us share a little information about the Maori.

Every country has its “original people”. For America it is the Native Americans, for Australia it is the Aboriginals, for New Zealand it is the Maori. What do these people all have in common? They are spiritually gifted, closely knit people who generally keep to themselves, share their tribal prophesies with very few outsiders and generally lead simpler lives closely tied to the Earth.

Due to the times in which we live, that being very close to major Earth changes, some have been willing to share their information. Regardless that these three groups of people are thousands of miles distant from each other, their prophesies are remarkably similar.

==================== first email =========================

Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 11:32:21 +1200

From: Karen Lyster

To: Stan Deyo


Hi Stan,

Yesterday, I was visited by a lady who is an Elder of one of the Maori Tribes. Even though she’s probably only about 45, she’s a decendent from the Royal Bloodline of the Maori Queen. She has what is called, great “Mana”, and although there isn’t an english translation for the word, it really means that the person has to have great wisdom, earned INCREDIBLE respect, and has abilities like inner visions and intuition. So if you equate her to one the Hopi Elders, you can see what I mean about her presence.

Now, she told me that a few weeks ago she was “called” to go and visit Cape Riangi - which is the furthest most point of the North Island here in New Zealand. She tried getting there three times; but had car trouble and other obstacles “put” in her way; so she returned home back. But again, she was told to go there; and, this time, the “fire in her belly” (as she put it) was far too strong to ignore. She thought it best if she go by bus tour to make sure she got there!

Now, when the bus arrived, there was a lighthouse which most of the other tourists went to look at; but, she was drawn to go out to the farthest most point of the Cape... literally the “tip top” of the North Island. She said she stood on the cliff face and closed her eyes,... letting the cool breezes brush her face. Then, when she opened her eyes, she was looking at a totally different landscape. The sea was completely gone; and there was land as far as her eyes could see. She said it seemed to go on forever. She also felt as it the land itself had “lifted” much higher than it had been previously. After taking it all in, she once again closed her eyes; then opened them once again; and the scene was back to normal.

(Of course this fits in well with Scallion’s map of the world as he says New Zealand will gain heaps of land and will be joined to Australia (after a good dunking of course..... :( guess the fish will be ok!!)

I asked her if the whole of New Zealand would go under the sea before coming back up again; and she held out her hand and made a rolling and twisting motion, saying that, unfortunately, most of the country would go under; but some areas would stay above water.

Now, before she left, she gave me a big hug and told me that tomorrow morning I would wake up to the news that a dike in China had collapsed killing 100’s of people. I woke up this morning at 8am; turned on the radio; and that’s exactly what was being said. But, I’ve tried to find it on the news wires here on the net, and can’t find it anywhere!! Very preplexing to me, as I KNOW I heard it.

She was one very unique lady to say the least. And I knew you’d be interested in what she had to say.

Love to you both,


P.S. Have just found the news item on the Chinese disaster, it’s at

===================== second email==========================

Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 16:21:41 +1200

From: Karen Lyster

To: Stan Deyo


Hi Stan

Well, first of all, I was just visited again by that Maori Indian Elder Woman who wanted all the data printed out from both your website and Jim Berkland’s,... including maps etc.....- so, she left here loaded up to the eyeballs with printed matter to take back to the other Elders for them to study.

I was amazed that she even knew of both of you; because the Maori keep VERY much to themselves; and where they live, they have no phone, no TV, no radio, no video etc etc etc... To be quite frank with you, Stan, I got the disinct impression that it was YOU that I was supposed to pass the information onto about what she’d seen and what would happen to New Zealand. It was quite a shock having someone of her stature turning up at my doorstep! That’s why she gave me the prediction before she left about the dikes busting in China and killing 100’s of people..... and of course it happened exactly as she had said,... - even her saying I’d be waking up and hearing it on the news at precisely 8am (I’m certain this was to prove what she’d told me on other things were true).

She said that she’s been told that Lake Taupo would “blow” (her words); and, she added, she could take me to nearby places where there were valleys that would be filled with 100’s and 100’s of bodies just floating there after Taupo blows. Then, she went on with her other explanations of how the whole of New Zealand would be effected with all the twisting and turning it would have to endure (not a pretty thought!). Of course, I asked her when all this would happen and - just like the Hopis - she said “soon, very soon”... but she did go a little further than that. However, I was taking so much in from her, I only hope I can tell you correctly what was explained to me.

She said that there would be an event that was unrelated; but when this event happened, it would be a trigger for many major earth changes.... Again, this was to be in China; and it’s a subject I know nothing about; so, please bear with me on this one. She said there was this “channel” there in China that they’d been working on for many years; and it was not yet complete. She said work had stopped on it for various reasons; then she told me that up above this “channel”, there were 1000’s of logs or timber that were perched at the top of this “channel”... Furthermore, over time, some had been stolen; but most were still there (she didn’t say what they were to be used for, so it’s a bit confusing for me). She said that soon these logs would come crashing down killing 1000’s; and, when this happened, it would be a sign for her people that these Earth changes were about to happen with great intensity.

Does any of this make sense to you? Do you know of any such “channel” being built by the chinese? She said it had been started many years ago but never completed.

Anyway, I’m really glad you replied, Stan; because, as I said, I got the distinct impression that it was you that they really wanted this information to be passed onto.

Love to you both,


================== Stan’s answer email ======================

Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1998 11:32:21 +1200
From: Stan Deyo

To: Karen Lyster



I will send more tomorrow.... Yes, the Maori Elder was aiming the message at me. The Chinese connection is a signal to me as well. I saw the doco on TV; and I know what she is talking about... It is the Three Gorges Dam Project in China which is to dam the Yangtze River. It will consume over 130,000 acres and stretch some 400 miles along the Yangtze. The trees are being cut and have been stockpiled for later uses including dikes.... The Green group, the US Gov’t ... the World Bank - ALL have tried to stop this project as an environmental nightmare.... It has displaced 2 million Chinese from their homes...

In my dreamvision, I was shown the only thing I would need to have when the Taupo event was to happen was a small red alarm/calculator I had purchased from an Indian exporter named Dadlani in Hong Kong quite a few years ago. I imported several hundred of them for Myers Dept stores and other customers a few years ago. I remember the calculator well as it was with me daily and because it was flaming red in colour... but, I did not make the Chinese connection until just this second... Hong Kong is China now... Hmmm.....m..m.m.m.m

The alarm clock was a simple thing and yet what I saw in the dream had depth in my sub-conscious that I could not remember until now... good grief!.... good grief!... We have heaps of data on Three Gorges Dam project... maybe the Maori’s info has been sent to tell us that the time is near because my chinese, red, alarm clock was the only thing I would need???

‘Cracks’ in China’s Three Gorges Dam

April 12, 2002

A senior Chinese official says cracks have appeared in the controversial Three Gorges hydroelectric dam being built on the Yangtze river.

Qian Zhengying, the former minister of water resources who heads an expert group on the dam, returned from a week-long inspection of the project demanding that the cracks be “repaired fastidiously”, according to the state-controlled China Daily.

There have been consistent rumours that the 185-metre high dam, which entails the removal of entire villages to higher ground, is being shoddily constructed, amid reports of endemic corruption in the project.

But the China Daily report represents an unusually frank admission that the dam has serious shortcomings and some leaders are now critical of the project.

“During the past three years, concrete placement in the project has not been first class, causing a variety of related accidents and drawbacks, though the concrete process has improved compared with previous years,” Ms Qian was quoted as saying.

The cracks measure a maximum 1.25 millimetres across and 2.5 metres deep, according to China Daily.

The paper said cracks had also been found in the project’s permanent ship-locks and ship-lifts.

Costly Project

The Chinese Government’s prestige project is hugely costly - officially it is expected to cost at least US$24bn but unofficial estimates say it could cost at least three times that amount.

It has been bedeviled by corruption. In 2000, 97 officials were convicted of embezzlement from the dam fund.

Activists have criticised the enforced resettlement of those whose homes lay in the 600km-long (300 mile) area which will form the Three Gorges reservoir and the loss of many historic buildings and artefacts that will be drowned.

The dam is intended to control China’s notorious flooding problem. But engineers have questioned whether the dam will be effective, citing problems with sedimentation and the construction itself.

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