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To: roamer_1
The Bible is the recorded Word of the Living God. The words within the Book have been kept intact for thousands of years, long before the RCC was ever thought of.

This is simply false. The Bible as we know it is a direct result of the efforts and actions of the RCC.

One who would diminish the Holy Word diminishes the very contract that gives him life. He diminishes the Covenants which, given by God Himself to mankind, instruct us in what is pleasing to God, what is required by God, and the warnings He gives to those who refuse to live according to His will.

One does not "diminish" a thing by using it as it was intended. Rather, using the Bible, which Christ did not establish, to diminish the authority of the Church, which Christ DID establish, is nothing more that a byzantine replay of The Fall.

What man has the right to add to or subtract from the very words of Almighty Jehovah? Who would think to make them null? Who would not call them holy beyond all things on earth? No mortal man has that authority, and the only Man who does have that authority would not do so, as He said.

The Sabbath was made for man, not the other way around. The same goes for the Bible.

The Church prospered prior to the advent of the printing press, and it's existence does not now, nor has it ever, depended on a collection of documents; the Protestant rebellion however, does.

Is it your position that Christ would change a single word that came before Him?

I don't understand the relevance of the question, particularly as a response to my assertion the Bible is not a living entity.

What poppycock! It is your position that Christ never assumed His words would be written down?

No, it's my position He instituted a Church with attendant authority and hierarchy to be His voice on Earth, not a book. Men would not abide by that so they gathered up their intellectual jewels and built themselves a philosophical golden calf.

It is fitting and just to rebel against such as these. God does NOT change, and what He said to do before is fitting for a Protestant to do to the RCC

Pleading is not rebelling. It is the sin of the Reformation that they did not heed the witness of a David, but rather rebelled with the slander of an Absalom.

9,831 posted on 06/28/2008 5:18:40 PM PDT by papertyger (Gun control laws make as much sense as giving condoms to a pregnant teen.)
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To: papertyger

O ... M ...G ! And I don’t say that in vane. David and Absalom indeed. Since we’re making outlandish analogies I’d say more like Christ and the Pharisees. The Reformation was the Body of Christ rebelling against a wholly corrupt state institution. A dictatorship of the worst order. This is what irks me about RCs. They cling to an illusion. Just as the Jews clung to a legalistic corrupt priesthood at the time of Our Lord.

9,835 posted on 06/28/2008 5:34:09 PM PDT by gost2
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To: papertyger
“No, it's my position He instituted a Church with attendant authority and hierarchy to be His voice on Earth”

There is no scriptural evidence for this. If the institutional Church was so important and its hierarchy established by Jesus why is there only 2 references to it in the Gospels, Matthew 16:16 and 18:17? None of the other Gospel writers thought it important enough to record Jesus teaching on such an important subject, in fact, Peter does not even mention it in his letters.

Paul is the writer who develops the concept yet half of his references are to the plural, churches. The majority of his letters are to small groups in individual house churches and in 1 Cor. 3:4-9 he makes it obvious that the church does not have as its basis historic Apostolic succession.

The only authority in the church is its Head, Christ and the Holy Spirit who dispenses gifts necessary for the equipping of the saints. All others are servants.

9,848 posted on 06/28/2008 6:10:26 PM PDT by enat
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To: papertyger; Alex Murphy; blue-duncan; BnBlFlag; Dr. Eckleburg; ears_to_hear; Forest Keeper; ...
This is simply false. The Bible as we know it is a direct result of the efforts and actions of the RCC.


GOD PRODUCED THE NEW TESTAMENT VIA HUMAN SCRIBES ~400 years before the RC org reared its outrageously political power-mongering bureaucratic committee plagued head. It clearly had nothing to do with Pebble Peter and has since demonstrated in abundant horrific ways that much of the time it had little to do with Christ Jesus. Which has appeared to be quite fine from the perspective of the RC Magicsterical preferring the Mary Caricature and the White Hanky brigade to Jesus, anyway.

One does not "diminish" a thing by using it as it was intended.

Ahhhhhhh, supplanting the authentic Scriptures with the RC Magicsterical Mangled Alice In Wonderland School of Theology RUBBERIZED ‘PSEUDO-SCRIPTURES’ is using the authentic Bible as ‘intended?’ ROTFLOL! GUFFAWS TO THE MAX!

Rather, using the Bible, which Christ did not establish, to diminish the authority of the Church, which Christ DID establish, is nothing more that a byzantine replay of The Fall.

Incredible anti-reality strikes again. Prottys only use authentic UNRUBBERIZED solid translations of genuine New Testament Scriptures. I suspect many would be happy to lend some to any RC’s wondering what the authentic is like.

The Church prospered prior to the advent of the printing press, and it's existence does not now, nor has it ever, depended on a collection of documents; the Protestant rebellion however, does.

Holy Spirit blessed various congregations around and spreading out from the Med from Christ’s time to this. Occasionally, there were even some RC congregations that actually worshipped God instead of a dead institution and proffered pagan rituals and idols.

Thankfully, Paul’s letters and The Gospels as well as the rest of the authentic Holy Spirit vetted New Testament was familiar to most such congregations quite independent of the Roman magicsterical mangling machine manipulating political events to lord it over all Christendom to the best of its considerable militarily supported ability in such matters.

Thankfully, most Prottys have not been in rebellion against God nor the things of God but have found it incumbent upon them to fiercely stand against horrific mangling of authentic Scriptures as well as against outrageously destructive fantasies about proper Christian beliefs and practices fostered and promulgated by the power-mongering RC org politically motivated and politically operated Roman Magicsterical.

No, it's my position He instituted a Church with attendant authority and hierarchy to be His voice on Earth

WOW. The heretical Rubber history and unbiblical nonsense continues to be flung far and wide. Thankfully, the historically well read and Biblically accurate folks can see through such a farce of a statement. The RC org has the least claim to such an authority of any self-proclaimed Christian org on the face of the planet.

not a book. Men would not abide by that so they gathered up their intellectual jewels and built themselves a philosophical golden calf.

Incredible. Calling the authentic Scriptures a ‘philosophical golden calf’ has to be one of the most irrational, horrific, awful fantasies I’ve come across in decades.

At some point, words fail me. It’s hard for me to fathom where the depths of such outrageous statements come from apart from knowledge of the enemy of our souls and of true Christianity.

9,917 posted on 06/28/2008 9:21:17 PM PDT by Quix (WE HAVE THE OIL NOW
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To: papertyger
[The Bible is the recorded Word of the Living God.]

This is simply false. The Bible as we know it is a direct result of the efforts and actions of the RCC.

Umm... there's this whole part called the "Old Testament", which the RCC certainly had no participation in. I would also point out that I find RCC claims to apostolic succession to be dubious at best, and even were it so, it does not make the Scriptures yours.

One does not "diminish" a thing by using it as it was intended. Rather, using the Bible, which Christ did not establish, to diminish the authority of the Church, which Christ DID establish, is nothing more that a byzantine replay of The Fall.

The Bible does not diminish the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, nor do Protestants. The Roman Catholic Church diminishes itself.

The Sabbath was made for man, not the other way around. The same goes for the Bible.

Yes, y'all felt the need to change the Sabbath too. I don't believe that was what was proper, or intended by Christ, in either case.

The Church prospered prior to the advent of the printing press [...]

Prospered by the weight of her boot on the neck of kings and peasants alike. Prospered by the sword and by the stake. That assuredly is *not* what Christ intended:

Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

(e-Sword: KJV)

Luther may be accused of lighting the match (not really, Protestants go well back before him), but the printing press was the grass fire of Protestantism. That is what allowed Berean principles to assert themselves. It was the proof, you see, proof that the RCC had not taught what God had actually said.

[...] and it's [RCC's] existence does not now, nor has it ever, depended on a collection of documents; the Protestant rebellion however, does.

ROTFLOL! Do you think that if one could somehow stuff the genie of the printing press back in the proverbial bottle that the Protestants would come meekly back to Rome? Not now, not ever. We can certainly revert to verbal tradition (in the proper sense), just as easily as the Catholics can. Protestants will come, no doubt, but it is to Jerusalem that they will go. We will bow before the throne of Christ, not the throne of Rome.

Is it your position that Christ would change a single word that came before Him?

I don't understand the relevance of the question, particularly as a response to my assertion the Bible is not a living entity. If God was against Baal, Ashtoreth, and Tammuz; If He found it absolutely disgusting throughout the entirety of the Old Testament; If His anger rose up in Him against Israel for incorporating paganism into His Temple, why, oh why would the RCC adopt it into herself?

This picture shows a statue of Peter in St Peter's Basilica, whose toes have been nearly been rubbed clean off by millions upon millions of Catholic lips kissing his feet. KISSING THE FOOT OF A STATUE OF A MAN! What part of this escapes you guys?

Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Exo 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

It is the apparent irreverence for the Holy Word which troubles me so, and it seems to be your assertion that it is "but a book" that allows you to act so cavalierly.

No, it's my position He instituted a Church with attendant authority and hierarchy to be His voice on Earth, not a book. Men would not abide by that so they gathered up their intellectual jewels and built themselves a philosophical golden calf.

Bah! We do not bow down to the Bible, nor do we serve it. we neither kiss it, or light candles about it, nor lay it in a bed of flowers. We consider it Holy for what it contains, we search it always, eagerly, even as the Bereans did to find out if "what it says is true"... We await it's revelations of God's prophecies coming true in our time. We seek out the words of our Father, our Lord and His apostles, to do as they have told us to do.

That does not include kissing Peter's statue's toe. that does not include bowing and praying to Mary or other dead people. That does not include falling prostrate before the pope, a mere man, and sinful creature, nor does it include suckin' on his ring. That is the way of calumny and confusion.

Pleading is not rebelling. It is the sin of the Reformation that they did not heed the witness of a David, but rather rebelled with the slander of an Absalom.

2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2Co 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

(e-Sword: KJV)

Now that's some living Word if I've ever heard it!

10,148 posted on 06/30/2008 1:25:00 AM PDT by roamer_1 (Globalism is just Socialism in a business suit.)
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