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To: MarkBsnr
[***Nothing new about it. *** John 3: 36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. Didn’t say it was new, but to note that those who do not believe on the Son of God face the wrath of God.***]

You really should go back and read your old posts to find out what you posted and what you didn’t.

Well, what part about John 3:36 don't you understand?

[ ***No, I never stated that, I have stated that you cannot be saved by what is stated in those passages. To perform those acts you must have the grace of God in you, which comes by faith.*** ]

Are you saying that you must have faith first, and then you acquire the Grace of God?

I am saying that you cannot add works to faith.

[ ***And how many more hail Mary’s? Far more than the our Fathers, so your deception is obvious.*** ]

Deception? Who am I deceiving? You? God? What under Heaven are you talking about?

Anyone reading your wearisome posts!

Now, you want to make an issue of the 'our Father's' but don't mention the 'hail Mary's' that go with it, five to one!

So, Mary gets more prayer than God the Father does!

[ ***And let us see what Paul says about praying: 1 Thess 5: 17 Pray without ceasing. That doesn’t mean vain repetitions, which is condemned in Matthew 6.*** ]

So, you don’t follow Paul’s exhortation and the reason is that when you pray you don’t babble, right? But when I pray, that is babbling. And you know all this about me how?

No, I don't babble, which is what the Rosary is.

So, if anyone prays using the Rosary, that is exactly what it is, just saying endless prayers by repetition.

[ ***The Rosary is an abomination that encourages prayers to the devil known as the ‘Queen of Heaven’ mentioned in Jer.44.*** ]

I didn’t know that the Mother of God is a devil. Nice religion. The Mary that I have in my Scripture was a nice little Jewish girl who bore Our Lord. What religion did you say that you followed?

There is no Mother of God!

Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, not the Mother of God.

God doesn't have a mother.

I am a Christian.

[ ***Like I said, show from the context that John 3:36 isn’t saying that if you don’t believe in Christ you will face the wrath of God? You can’t, so all you’ve shown yourself to be is a truth denier.*** ]

Scripture instructs us far more than little snippets. Scripture says that you must believe; it also says what you must do and the consequences if you don’t. That is why our Bibles are whole and therefore our Christianity is whole; abridged Bibles and mutilated verse obviously spawn abridged and mutilated religion. As you keep showing.

No, this isn't about 'snippets' this is about clear scripture which you have rejected by running to verses to deny what the word of God says, that if you don't believe on Christ, you will face the wrath of God.

Your good works have nothing to do with your salvation and if you attempt to add anything to it, you have rejected the grace of God (Rom.4, Gal.3)

[ ***The common people read and spoke in their own native language, which wasn’t Latin. As for what language Jesus used, I know He didn’t use Latin!*** [

The common people couldn’t read. Are you that unlearned of historical times?

What makes you think they couldn't read during the Lord's time?

Literacy levels have always been high among the Jewish people who learn to read the Old Testament scriptures.

What language did Jesus use?

He used the language of the common people.

[ ***Gee, what a brilliant analogy! Did you think that one up all by yourself.*** ]

I tried to make it easy for you.

Well, it just showed your own mental limitations.

[ ***I didn’t just give you a single quote, I gave you two that showed that the Roman Catholic religion was part of medieval governments.*** Wikipedia does not count unless backed up by more sound references. High school teachers who brag that they post things not found in high school textbooks are not sound references either. You have proven nothing here. ]

Actually, the issue is the facts and both were correct.

So your whining about the source is just some more of your blowing smoke to hide the fact that you are ignorant of everything you have attempted to discuss.

[ ***Really? II haven’t seen much on the way of facts, but I have seen alot of overblown rhetoric by someone who thinks he is alot smarter than he is. *** ]

Your statements, although you think that they have the force of fact, are merely your statements. Repeating them and occasionally referring to suspect websites do not give them the status of facts.

No, actually they are facts, but your comments are just so much empty rhetoric.

[ ***Another person can judge another persons soul by their words and actions.*** The only Judge that I recognize is the Lord God Almighty. The only entity other than Him that claims the same is the brightest angel. I do not suspect that you are God. ]

As I said, it isn't me that is judging you, but the Scriptures that you have denied, they condemn you.

[ ***You have rejected the grace of God and you will burn.*** Give Fred Phelps all my best, if you would. ]

Just stating a simple scriptural fact as stated very clearly in Jn.3:36 and Rev.20.

[ ***My advice to you is to enjoy the taste of water while you can now, since when you enter into eternity, you will never taste it again *** My advice to you is read Matthew 7 and try to understand it. ]

My advice to you is, since you are determined to reject the grace of God, is to enjoy the blessings of God while you can, because eternity is a long time!

And as it is appointed unto to man once to die but after this is the judgement (Heb.9:27)

Rev.20: 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

That is the future for all of those who reject the grace of God, as you clearly have.

Now, stop wasting my time.

1,382 posted on 06/03/2008 2:22:21 AM PDT by fortheDeclaration ("Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people".-John Adams)
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To: fortheDeclaration

***Well, what part about John 3:36 don’t you understand?

What we do understand is that we are to obey Him - His every word. I don’t detect a lot of obedience; I do detect a lot of hate.

***I am saying that you cannot add works to faith.

So you not only disagree with Jesus, you disagree with Paul and James both.

First, Jesus teaches of the necessity of Grace as the only way to salvation. Man can not work to earn salvation. This is clear. However, He also makes it clear that cooperation with this grace that God gives is necessary. For example, Jesus says in John 15:4-6:

John 15: 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned.

Thus, Jesus clearly teaches that God is the source of anything good that we do. If we try to do things on our own, outside God’s grace, it will avail us nothing towards salvation. Next, Jesus teaches on the necessity of us bearing much fruit. Some will try to argue that here Jesus is just mentioning that bearing fruit is only the evidence of salvation, not part of salvation. No doubt good fruit is evidence that one is in God’s grace, but that is not the main part of what Jesus is speaking about. If the man bears bad fruit, that is the criteria which Jesus says will cast him into the fire. That is the criteria that shows whether we abide in him. (BTW, if we look back in John 6:56-57, about abiding it also alludes to the grace of the Eucharist. But that is another topic). What are some of the fruit that is necessary to abide in him? Jesus continues:

7If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples. 9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. 11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you.

Notice the criteria that God gives for remaining in his grace. It says that we must bear fruit. What kind of fruit? His words must abide in our lives (v. 7). If not, we are not abiding in him, and are subject to the casting into the fire. And what are some of the words in this very context? The words that he uses here are that we must keep his commands. Thus, we can only abide in him and his love if we keep the commands (v. 10). We can only be his friends if we do his commands (v.14). Thus, having a personal relationship with him, by his own words, is keeping his commandments. Criteria is given to remain in his grace. Otherwise, as Jesus already said, we will get cast into the fire (v. 6).

John 15:5-14 shows us that God is the source of all good fruit. We must believe in him and trust in him for salvation. We can not work to earn salvation; Nevertheless, as faithful sons we must keep his commandments. If we do not bear fruit (i.e. for example, by breaking the commandments), we can be cast to the fire.

The law, in and of itself, does not save anyone. When Paul speaks of works of the law that do not save, the Catholic affirms that (per Gal. 3:10, Gal. 2:16, Rom. 3:20, 28) as well. The Catholic view is that God justifies us exclusively by his grace. We are put into a relationship with him, which is based on sonship, grace, and mercy. The rigid requirements of the law were put to death by Christ on the cross, per Col. 2:16. However, once within the realm of grace, obedience is still necessary to maintain salvation. The fact that although one is not under the works of the law (Gal. 3:10, Rom. 3:28) there is still a law of the Spirit and Christ (Rom. 8:2, Gal. 6:2). We are released from the rigid requirements of the law (See Romans 7:6, Col. 2:13-14, Eph. 2:15) but now we serve in the new law of the Spirit (Rom. 7:6, Rom. 8:2). It does not mean that the law is done away with. God must circumcise our hearts (Rom. 2:27) and we must approach him humbly and recognize our total dependence on him. Paul warns that if one lives in the life of the flesh (even if one is an adopted child) he will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (Gal. 5:19-21). If one manifests the fruit of the Spirit one indeed will inherit this kingdom (Gal. 5:22-23). This can be done only through the power of the Spirit (Gal. 5:16, 24). Although one can not work to earn salvation, once inside God’s grace, one must bear fruit in his life to get the end of salvation. If one sows instead disobedience, one’s end is eternal damnation (Gal. 6:7-9). Thus, once one is justified by God, the Catholic view is that grace empowered obedience is necessary to maintain one’s state of justification. Works , obedience and infused righteousness, is not only a necessary fruit of one’s justification, but is also a cause of it.


***Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, not the Mother of God.***

Interesting. Do you not believe that Jesus Christ is God? I think that we’re getting somewhere. Can you identify which heresy you follow from this list?

Sabellianism: Sabellianism is named for its founder Sabellius (fl. 2nd century). It is sometimes referred to as modalistic monarchianism. The father, son, and holy ghost are three modes, roles, or faces of a single person, God. This, of course, implies that Jesus Christ was purely divine, without humanness, and therefore could not truly have suffered or died.

Docetism: The name comes from the Greek word dokesis, meaning “to seem.” Along the same lines as Sabellianism, Docetism says that Christ was not a real human being and did not have a real human body. He only seemed to be human to us. In a nutshell...

Christ only (no Jesus)

Monophysitism: Monophysite comes from the Greek words for “one body.” This heresy says that Jesus Christ was a joining of the eternal Logos with the human person Jesus, which occured at incarnation. He therefore is two separate natures joined in one body. Monophysitism is very much alive in several present-day Egyptian and Middle Eastern sects of Christianity.

> Jesus Christ

Adoptionism: Adoptionism says that Jesus was a human being who was “adopted” by God at his conception, at which point he developed a divine nature. Later versions sometimes suggest that he was adopted later, such as when he was baptized by John the Baptist.

Jesus > Christ

Nestorianism: Supposedly, Nestorius, Patriarch of Antioch (fl. 410), believed that Jesus Christ had two natures — man and God — which remained separate throughout his period on earth. This is not really what Nestor said (although he did deny virgin birth) but the name stuck. You can still find a few Nestorian churches in Iran.


Apollinarianism: Named for Apollinaris of Laodicea (fl. 350), this heresy says that Jesus Christ was not a real man, but not totally divine either. Apollinarians suggested that he had a human body and a human soul, but his mind was taken over by the eternal Logos.


Arianism: Arianism is named after Arius (c. 250 - c. 336), a priest in Alexandria. This is considered the most serious heresy. Jesus Christ was thought of as a special creation by God for man’s salvation. Arianism was the form of Christianity that the Goths adhered to, and it was popular in all the areas they conquered, including Italy, Spain, and Africa.

Socianism: A version of Arianism called Socianism (from the Latin socius, meaning “companion), simply says that Jesus was an extraordinary man. This heresy still lives on in two very different forms, the Unitarians and the Jehova’s Witnesses.

Jesus only (no Christ)

***The common people couldn’t read. Are you that unlearned of historical times?

What makes you think they couldn’t read during the Lord’s time?

Literacy levels have always been high among the Jewish people who learn to read the Old Testament scriptures.***

You do like moving on when you have lost the argument, don’t you. We were speaking of the 99% illiterate peoples of the West and their relation to reading the Bible in the 1000s. Now we’re moving to the OT Jews? The Greek or the Hebrew Bible? says that at most 3% of Jews were literate at the time of Christ and that was because of great improvements under the Romans which led to greater wealth and leisure.

***What language did Jesus use?

He used the language of the common people.***

Which is?

***I tried to make it easy for you.

Well, it just showed your own mental limitations.***

It’s soooo hard to speak up and talk down at the same time.

***No, actually they are facts, but your comments are just so much empty rhetoric.***

You must show your statements to be true, not merely repost them or jump to different statements when caught. Otherwise, they remain just unsubstantiated words.

***As I said, it isn’t me that is judging you, but the Scriptures that you have denied, they condemn you.***

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Bibiolatry, and a very indicative case of it. In any case, you have posted a number of times that you can judge me and that you are. Statements of opposite things in juxtaposition. Are you merely forgetful or are you posting prevarication? A third possibility: lost in theology, educated beyond understanding. Provincial, anyway.

***My advice to you is, since you are determined to reject the grace of God, is to enjoy the blessings of God while you can, because eternity is a long time! ***

I wonder at your final reward, since your theology differs so significantly from Christianity, as does your Bible.

***Now, stop wasting my time.

You are doing an admirable job all by yourself.

1,386 posted on 06/03/2008 2:27:01 PM PDT by MarkBsnr ( I would not believe in the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so.)
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