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To: kosta50; MarkBsnr; stfassisi; irishtenor; Dr. Eckleburg; Gamecock; wmfights; Cvengr; HarleyD; ...
FK: The Bible is God's revelation to all believers.

So is the Koran. Your dogmatic statements do not make the Bible objectively God's revelation, FK. You are placing yourself in the position to dictate what is and what isn't from God.

I don't dictate anything. There is both internal and external evidence. Please forgive the length of this, but it is directly on point. From Got Questions? :

There can be no doubt about the fact that the Bible does claim to be the very Word of God. This is clearly seen in verses like 2 Timothy 3:15-17, which say, “. . .from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

In order to answer these questions we must look at both the internal and external evidences that the Bible is truly God’s Word. The internal evidences are those things internal to the Bible itself that testify of its divine origin. One of the first internal evidences that the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in its unity. Even though it is really sixty-six individual books, written on three continents, in three different languages, over a period of approximately 1500 years, by more that 40 authors (who came from many walks of life), the Bible remains one unified book from beginning to end without contradiction. This unity is unique from all other books and is evidence of the divine origin of the words as God moved men in such a way that they recorded His very words.

Another of the internal evidences that indicate the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in the detailed prophecies contained within its pages. The Bible contains hundreds of detailed prophecies relating to the future of individual nations including Israel, to the future of certain cities, to the future of mankind, and to the coming of one who would be the Messiah, the Savior of not only Israel, but all who would believe in Him. Unlike the prophecies found in other religious books or those done by Nostradamus, the biblical prophecies are extremely detailed and have never failed to come true. There are over three hundred prophecies concerning Jesus Christ in the Old Testament alone. Not only was it foretold where He would be born and what family He would come from, but also how He would die and that He would rise again on the third day. There simply is no logical way to explain the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible other than by divine origin. There is no other religious book with the extent or type of predictive prophecy that the Bible has.

A third internal evidence of the divine origin of the Bible is seen in its unique authority and power. While this evidence is more subjective than the first two internal evidences, it is no less a very powerful testimony of the divine origin of the Bible. The Bible has a unique authority that is unlike any other book ever written. This authority and power are best seen in the way countless lives have been transformed by reading the Bible. Drug addicts have been cured by it, homosexuals have been set free by it, derelicts and deadbeats have been transformed by it, hardened criminals reformed by it, sinners are rebuked by it, and hate has been turned to love by reading it. The Bible does possess a dynamic and transforming power that is only possible because it is truly God’s Word.

Besides the internal evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word there are also external evidences that indicate the Bible is truly the Word of God. One of those evidences is the historicity of the Bible. Because the Bible details historical events its truthfulness and accuracy is subject to verification like any other historical documentation. Through both archaeological evidences and other written documents, the historical accounts of the Bible have been proven time and time again to be accurate and true. In fact all the archaeological and manuscript evidence supporting the Bible makes it the best documented book from the ancient world. The fact that the Bible accurately and truthfully records historically verifiable events is a great indication of its truthfulness when dealing with religious subjects and doctrines and helps substantiate its claim that it is the very Word of God.

Another external evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word is the integrity of the human authors. As mentioned earlier, God used men from many walks of life to record His Words to us. In studying the lives of these men, there is no good reason to believe that they were not honest and sincere men. Examining their lives and the fact that they were willing to die (often excruciating deaths) for what they believed in, it quickly becomes clear that these ordinary yet honest men truly believed that God had spoken to them. The men who wrote the New Testament and many hundreds of other believers (1 Corinthians 15:6) knew the truth of their message because they had seen and spent time with Jesus Christ after He had risen from the dead. The transformation of seeing the Risen Christ had a tremendous impact on these men. They went from hiding in fear, to being willing to die for the message God had revealed to them. Their lives and deaths testify to the fact that the Bible truly is God’s Word.

A final external evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word is the indestructibility of the Bible. Because of its importance and its claim to be the very word of God, the Bible has suffered more vicious attacks and attempts to destroy it than any other book in history. From early Roman Emperors like Diocletian, through communist dictators and on to modern day atheists and agnostics, the Bible has withstood and outlasted all of its attackers and is still the most widely published book in the world today.

Throughout time, skeptics have regarded the Bible as mythological, but archeology has established it as historical. Opponents have attacked its teaching as primitive and outdated, but its moral and legal concepts and teachings have had a positive influence on societies and cultures throughout the world. It continues to be attacked by science, psychology, and political movements and yet remains just as true and relevant today as it was when it was first written. It is a book that has transformed countless lives and cultures throughout the last 2000 years. No matter how its opponents try to attack, destroy, or discredit it, the Bible remains just as strong, just a true, and just as relevant after the attacks as it was before. The accuracy which has been preserved despite every attempt to corrupt, attack, or destroy it, is clear testimony to the fact that the Bible is truly God’s Word. It should not surprise us that no matter how the Bible is attacked, it always comes out unchanged and unscathed. After all, Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Mark 13:31). After looking at the evidence one can say without a doubt that “Yes the Bible is truly God’s Word.”

Now, add to all this the fact that God's Church HAS accepted the Bible as God's word, and I think one should have enough evidence.

Nowhere in the Bible, OT or NT, do we have anyone tasking the believers in general to read or interpret the Scriptures. That is a Protestant myth.

I just showed you the scripture where Jesus says that a man LIVES by the word of God. Do you think it is such a wild stretch to take that as meaning that a man should know what the word of God IS? :)

And the Bible which you worship specifically tells you that (not everyone is appointed to be an apostle, teacher, etc), but you choose to disregard that because it was pointed out to you on numerous occasions.

To this day no one on your side has explained to me what "worshiping the Bible" even means. We have showed you over and over again how you all demonstrate your worship of Mary. But anyway, not all are appointed to teach etc., WITHIN the church. That wouldn't make sense logistically. Now, outside the church, in the mission field of the whole world, ALL believers are called upon to be Christ's ministers of His Gospel. It is a responsibility. I think the REAL faith of "limo-riders" would have to be yours since apparently you get to sit back and let other people do all of God's work. :)

6,622 posted on 07/23/2008 10:57:33 AM PDT by Forest Keeper (It is a joy to me to know that God had my number, before He created numbers.)
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To: Forest Keeper; MarkBsnr; stfassisi; irishtenor; Dr. Eckleburg; Gamecock; wmfights; Cvengr; ...
There is both internal and external evidence. Please forgive the length of this, but it is directly on point. From Got Questions?

If this is what you believe as "evidence" then I am really not surprised that we can't agree on anything.

Let's look at the "pearls" this articles says.

Right from the start, it is obvious that this will be a dogmatic blather void of any documentation or valid references.

The opening sentence says it all:

"There can be no doubt about the fact [sic] that the Bible does claim to be the very Word of God. This is clearly seen in verses like 2 Timothy 3:15-17, which say , “. . .from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God..."

Goodness, so much nonsense in one sentence! First, it is not the Bible (how misleading!) but one book in the Bible written by one man (Paul) who has no witnesses who says that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God..."

That constitutes a "proof?" Maybe to someone with a reptilian-sized brain, FK. To make things even worse, the author quotes (who is the author, by the way?) verse 15 which says "from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

What scriptures pray tell? All they had (from their childhood no less) when Paul was still around was the Old Testament,  and the Old Testament does not teach salvation through faith (let alone in Christ Jesus!),  but through works (of keeping all of God's commandments, the mitzvot). And to the best of my understanding, Paul does not call his Epistles scriptures.

If this is the strongest argument the author has to present, then the whole article is intended for reptilian-sized brains to marvel;  it would be  laughable were it not an insult to intelligence.

His "proof' is in the "fact" that the Bible says so (in his mind)! He even confirms this by saying that  

But, let's forge on with this "masterpiece." The author states:

"One of the first internal evidences that the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in its unity. Even though it is really sixty-six individual books, written on three continents, in three different languages, over a period of approximately 1500 years, by more that 40 authors (who came from many walks of life), the Bible remains one unified book from beginning to end without contradiction."

Of course, this is a matter on "internal" interpretation, and nothing could be further from the truth. The author then leaps to this conclusion:

"This unity is unique from all other books and is evidence of the divine origin of the words as God moved men in such a way that they recorded His very words."

This "unity," which is in dispute except by those who blindly accept it as such, magically becomes "evidence" of the divine origin of God's very words!  There is absolutely no valid cause and effect in this conclusion. The conclusion is based on a presumptive and subjectively claimed "unity," facts to the contrary notwithstanding.  

He then moves on to the next internal "evidence," the prophesies:

"Another of the internal evidences that indicate the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in the detailed prophecies contained within its pages."

Needless to say, even here is there a no consensus of opinions, and opinions are not "evidence.

To continue:

"A third internal evidence of the divine origin of the Bible is seen in its unique authority and power."

LOL! This is true of any "holy book." Very "unique" indeed.

"While this evidence is more subjective [sic] than the first two internal evidences, it is no less a very powerful testimony of the divine origin of the Bible."

How much "more subjective" can you get then this? By his logic any holy book is of divine origin because it holds unique authority and power over those who believe! The Bible has no authority or power over those who don't already believe.

"This authority and power are best seen in the way countless lives have been transformed by reading the Bible."

I am sure the mullahs say the same thing about the Koran—countless lives have been changed by it! In fact Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Using the Jurassic Park logic of this author, the Koran would definitely qualify as being of divine origin just based on that!

"Besides the internal evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word there are also external evidences that indicate the Bible is truly the Word of God. One of those evidences is the historicity of the Bible."

I was waiting for this one, LOL!

"Through both archaeological evidences and other written documents, the historical accounts of the Bible have been proven time and time again to be accurate and true. In fact all the archaeological and manuscript evidence supporting the Bible makes it the best documented book from the ancient world. "

A little false, and a little deceitful, but cleverly said.  The first sentence is patently false. The second sentence cleverly states that all archeological evidence supporting the Bible makes it the best documented book from the ancient world. Of course, he doesn't say anything about the archeological evidence contradicting or not supporting the Bible. And there is plenty of that. Take the alleged Exodus and the alleged 40-years being lost in Sinai, or the alleged 460 years living in Egypt for openers. Biblical archeology was a colossal failure; it failed to prove a preconceived outcome.

"Another external evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word is the integrity of the human authors."

Oh, boy!

"God used men from many walks of life to record His Words to us."

Now that he has "proven" this to himself, then author writes about it as a "fact."

"In studying the lives of these men, there is no good reason to believe that they were not honest and sincere men. Examining their lives and the fact that they were willing to die (often excruciating deaths) for what they believed in, it quickly becomes clear that these ordinary yet honest men truly believed that God had spoken to them."

Sounds positively jihadist! Bin Laden could have written that paragraph! Being honest and sincere doesn't mean you are right! One can be honestly and sincerely wrong!

"The transformation of seeing the Risen Christ had a tremendous impact on these men. They went from hiding in fear, to being willing to die for the message God had revealed to them. Their lives and deaths testify to the fact that the Bible truly is God’s Word."

Actually, the  Bible tells us that even after He rose form the dead some of his own disciples doubted (Mat 28:17), but he is correct in stating that at one point they changed form scared disciples to zealous Christians.  But it wasn't the Risen Christ, or the miracles He performed, or what He preached. It was the Holy Spirit, or so the Bible says, and not the Scriptures. So, there is no cause and effect he claims here, namely that their death and lives testify that the Bible is truly God's word. It wasn't the Bible (the OT), it wasn't the Risen Jesus, and it certainly weren't the miracles and sermons, but whatever they understood to be the "Spirit of God" (which in Judaism was understood to be the power of God), His will.

"A final external evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word is the indestructibility of the Bible. Because of its importance and its claim to be the very word of God, the Bible has suffered more vicious attacks and attempts to destroy it than any other book in history...

The Bible remains intact, not because there is something magical about the Bible, but because the Jews and Christians and even Muslims hold on to it to various extent. When and if these religions disappear, so will the Bible, as a word of God at least.

"Throughout time, skeptics have regarded the Bible as mythological, but archeology has established it as historical"

To a very small and insignificant degree. But it has failed it to a much greater degree. Lack of any evidence of Exodus or Hebrew presence in Egypt makes a large portion of the Five Books of Moses highly questionable historically speaking.

"No matter how its opponents try to attack, destroy, or discredit it, the Bible remains just as strong, just a true, and just as relevant after the attacks as it was before"

If someone has decided that no matter what evidence they see contradicting their belief they will stick to their belief this is not a proof that the Bible remains just and true. It simply means that some people will hold on to a flat-earth belief no matter what.

"It should not surprise us that no matter how the Bible is attacked, it always comes out unchanged and unscathed."

Nothing could be farther form the truth. The Bible is a mumb-jumbo of disconnected, copied, plagiarized, and what not books written over a period of many centuries. It incorporates a pagan-like proto-Judaism, Davidic Judaism, Judaism of the post-Babylonian era (messianic and apocalyptic), the various sects (Sadducees, Pharisees, Essens, etc.) whose beliefs were incompatible with each other, and dozens of sects which had nothing in common, some of which were not even considered "Jewish" by the Pharisees (i.e. Samaritans) because, get this, they didn't believe the Temple should be in Jerusalem!

Now, add to all this the fact that God's Church HAS accepted the Bible as God's word, and I think one should have enough evidence

God's Apostolic Church believes in the message of the Bible as being the source of eternal truth, which reveals God as He wished us to know Him through Jesus Christ.  We don't reads the Gospels to read history but to get a message to take home with us and live by it, imitating Christ.

I just showed you the scripture where Jesus says that a man LIVES by the word of God. Do you think it is such a wild stretch to take that as meaning that a man should know what the word of God IS?

And I showed you that the original language doesn't speak of any "words."

Now, outside the church, in the mission field of the whole world, ALL believers are called upon to be Christ's ministers of His Gospel

Where does the Bible say that?

 I think the REAL faith of "limo-riders" would have to be yours since apparently you get to sit back and let other people do all of God's work

No, just those who have been appointed teachers in the Church through Holy Orders and ordination, just as I sit back and let the lawyers do the talking, and lay on the operating table and let the surgeon do the cutting, and just sit and sip my coffee and let the pilots do the flying.

6,637 posted on 07/23/2008 10:42:16 PM PDT by kosta50 (Eastern Orthodoxy is pure Christianity)
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