Thank you resty for proving my point.
The Mormon Church sanctions every avenue of intellectual inquiry into most everything — with the notable exception of the TRUTH about themselves and their own history. Yet the church continues to grow — built on a foundation of fear and lies and deceit.
When one is joining the Church they are called investigators which I was and knew 80 per cent of the stuff before I was baptized it is no big secret an in those days it was not like today with internet.
I would go to Christian Book stores and buy the anti LDS stuff just to know but the Holy Spirit was very clear to me I read those book I got fear, a forboden, where as when I read the things of the Lord like the Bible or the Book of Mormon I received peace of mind, love and Joy the fruits of the spirit of the Lord!
Fear is not of the Lord!
~”...built on a foundation of fear and lies and deceit.”~
Acts 5:38-39:
38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
The only question I have, is why do you continue to be obsessed with the evils of Mormonism? If the LDS Church is not exactly what it claims to be, it will flounder and fail with or without your help. If it is, then you are placing yourself in grave spiritual peril.
Obsess away, if you choose; it just grows my faith. But I cannot imagine what such a viewpoint must be like.
The first part of your blather is true, and the latter is your usual blatant lies based on your sour-grapes.
Eat your heart out and get over it. There isn't a bloody thing you can do about it other than to sputter, blather, lie, complain, and eat sour grapes.
Does your family know that you excrete such vile offal on this site? Misfit is as misfit does - your outnumbered in your own neighborhood and around the world, and nothing you can say or do can change that. Sleep well...