I am saying that calvinism says all have a choice, and that even those disinclined toward you still have a choice.
Let me ask you this.
Could you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2008?
That's a different kind of Calvinism you are preaching vis-avis other Calvinists on these threads (just how many "Calvinists" are there? Will the real Calvinists please stand up and be counted!).
Others tell me that everything is God's will, whether I choose God or Satan,and that everything has been predetermined, including my choice, before foundations of the world. So, how can Calvinism teach that we always have a choice?!?
Could you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2008?
I could by I won't.
“I am saying that calvinism says all have a choice, and that even those disinclined toward you still have a choice.”
How can you have a choice if you are predestined before you were born?
Wow, that's the BEST example I've ever seen. :O)