Yes, because reality is Gods revelation to us (not our experiences).
most faithful will continue to fast even if it is not in the best interest of their health, treating discipline almost like Gospel.
Unfortunately, Christians forget the purpose for the discipline and make the discipline the purpose. This reminds me of my mothers prayer of thanks before dinner. She practiced the discipline (praying) but her prayers were practically unintelligible because she rattled it off so fast from memory and it was just taken for granted that saying those words was supposed to be done. Do you know what I mean?
Just because I don't understand it, or see it, doesn't mean it is as I see it and understand it.
None of us has perfect understanding and all of us harbor error.
the Church and well-meaning Christians who offer their opinions, fail to convince me that their version of the truth is indeed the truth.
None of us has the whole truth, we all struggle.
Like lighting candles out of "habit" or going to church just to be seen...they are empty gestures.