I am genuinely taken aback at your posting.
I have reviewed my recent posts and actually been pleasantly surprised at the number of Bible verses that I have quoted in order to disprove the Calvinistic beliefs. They have come from the beginning of the Bible right through to Revelation.
I do not use bits and pieces; the entire Bible is Scripture. Calvin’s biography is well distributed; he was an objectionable man with a bent to tyranny. His religion reflected the man. If you wish to debate point by point, the 5 points of Calvinism, I am at your behest.
You may wish to review, however, the verses that I and others have posted. I suspect that the Calvinistic argument, so effective with the insular and self-important burghers of Geneva, may not stand up against the theologically educated, and the Biblically informed, in the arena of these fora.
You absolutely do not understand Reformed doctrine and your constant attacks on a dead saint that cannot defend himself is pathetic. It is only out of kindness that Irishtenor does not rant on and on about some of the wicked Popes that you call Apostles. You might try a little kindness if you want to debate with Irishtenor instead of constant taunting. Just being a mom.