So, "some say" he was "condemned for his doctrine." But the Feeneyites continually make hay out of this, only on the other side--claiming that because he never had to retract anything, he MUST NOT have been a heretic.
I never said he was excommunicated for heresy--I said he actually was a heretic. I have said nothing inconsistent. He was excommunicated for disobedience. The excommunication was eventually lifted. All of which says nothing about whether he was or was not a heretic. The reason I know Feeneyism is a heresy has absolutely nothing to do with the excommunication, the lifting of the excommunication, or the absence of any retraction. You keep bringing up those totally irrelevant matters.
I know Feeneyism is a heresy because I can read the statements from the Magisterium which have contradicted Feeneyism point-blank.
Fundamentally, the reason the Church never pulled out the Big Guns against Feeneyism is that, as a heresy, it is small potatoes. It is popular only among neurotics, as an expression of their deeply-concealed desire that a large portion of the human race should go to hell. I have never met a Feeneyite who wasn't a deeply enraged neurotic.
Ping to self as a place marker!