You got it! And what will they be judged for? The time they've spent in hell or the time they squandered on earth?
A wise man once told me, "All roads lead to God. Only one road leads to the Father, His Son Jesus Christ."
There is only one verdict for any man that stands before God in judgment: GUILTY!
Thank God for His Son Jesus Christ who paid the price for my sin so I don't have to. And that means PAID IN FULL. Jesus doesn't half-step.
You folks that buy into Purgatory are buying into the concept that the Sacrifice of God's own Son is somehow incomplete, imperfect.
Keep your vain philosophies of men. I'm sticking with Scripture!
point being if they're in hell they've been judged TWICE by the end, not once.
point being the prayers of the saints intercede (also in revelation) BEFORE the FINAL judgement.
And I don't beleive in PURGATORY!