Oh come on Kosta, just admit it you can't acknowledge that Grace is given by God alone and nothing we do warrants it. If you were to acknowledge that your house of cards falls down.
I will always use the phrase "free gift" because it clearly relays what's happening. I am saved by Grace alone thru Faith alone and nothing else. It is a gift with no strings attached. Thus a free gift.
It's an unwarranted pardon, an act of underserved mercy and not something we carry. It i not a "gift" like a book or a piece of jewlery.
I will always use the phrase "free gift" because it clearly relays what's happening
There is nothing 'happening' there. It's clemency which you can't earn, buy or deserve. Mercy pure and simple.
But, you can do whatever you wish; some people persistantly say '10 AM in the morning..."