But not all who claim to be 'saved' are saved. In His Church, not all are equal. Some are apostles, some are prophets and teachers, etc. The Bible says that Satan sometimes appears as the Angel of Light. We have no guarantee that what we believe we believe is truly what is true. Self-test is no test.
***Self-test is no test.***
But test with the Bible. Are you growing the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Do you share the gospel with others? Are you counting on the work of God and his Son Jesus, instead of your own efforts to cleanse you from your sins? Are you savouring the words of the Lord... or do you really need to watch that re-run of CSI?
***In His Church, not all are equal.***
In his eyes, we are all equal. We are all sinners who have been chosen by him to receive grace through his Son, Jesus. We are now all equally his children.
In his church, we are not all equal. Some are called to more difficult tasks, others to different types of service. We are even equal there in that we are all called to do his will.