Woah! I forget where you were on the whole Trinity thing. Or on the whole Council of Ephesus thing.
So, in a very technical respect, it is simply NOT TRUE that Mary had anything to do with us seeing THE FACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD.
Once again the title Theotokos is shown to be about Christology and even Trinitarian theology. This is fascinating. Leaving aside ALL the other stuff, I would respond, well what WAS that thing she gave birth to if not the perfect revelation of God?
Far out. NO need for reply. Just far out.
Now, MD your mind is quite grand enough to wrap itself around the fact that
All the statements about Christ being the image of the FATHER
viewing the face of THE FATHER is an extremely rare thing
Playing word games with it doesn't change the facts--Scripturally or experientially.
Viewing the FACE OF ALMIGHTY FATHER GOD IS EXTREMELY RARELY ALLOWED. That's just a fact. It's a pretty well known fact in Scripture and a fairly well known fact experientially.
Even folks who God to Heaven and return to tell about it very rarely see the face of Father God and never can describe it when they do. Most just see an almost blinding light.
Yet they may chat eye to eye with Jesus extensively.
THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. Pretending there is NO difference is not true to Scripture nor experience.