you think she is above God.
= = = =
Am beginning to think there's a . . . what . . . twilight zone/shadow lands/alternate reality feature to all this . . .
Kind of like the sort of thing that one can see only out of the corner of one's eye . . . but when one looks directly, it disappears . . . but like the Chinese say--the bystander sees the game best.
There's some terribly slippery stuff going on in all this. Very fascinating for a sociologist/shrink.
I wonder if it's somewhat like the guy in his back yard holding the hose with a big spurt of water arching from his hand . . . as he watches the beautiful neighbor in her pool. His wife comes out and asks him what he's doing. Just watering the grass, of course. And he is. Obviously. He thinks so. The neighbor lady thinks so. His wife believes it. And yet . . . romping twixt--maybe in between the neurons . . . is this other script . . .
But how might that apply . . . Why of course, I'm just honoring Mary. And she is worthy honor--after all--she Birthed THE CHRIST. That's inadequate, let's bump it up a bit--she BIRTHED GOD! That's it--She originated God--in a sense--of course, only a sense--we must keep that in mind, of course, except when it slips aside and falls to the gutter . . . we'll keep that in mind, except when we are so caught up enraptured with this graven image of Mary that we no longer bother about keeping it in mind . . .
But of course, we are ONLY honoring Mary. I know that. The priest knows that--ask him. All my fellow RC's know that . . . at least the intellectual ones will say so . . . but twixt the neurons . . . runs this other script that feeds my flesh so well; comforts me so well; is so much more ACCESSIBLE, that's it--I can relate to Mary so much better and so much easier--MOTHER--THE SUPREME EARTH-MOTHER; MOTHER OF HEAVEN; MOTHER OF GOD--what a comfort.
Not so lofty and out of touch as God--except she is rather God like--what a blend--what a comforting blend. Mary, what a comfort. What a welcome ACCESSIBLE FOCUS. Let's let Moses bother with God at the tent of meeting--that's too hard to handle. Let's deal only with Mary. So comforting. So accessible. So reachable. So our sizeable. Except then we need to elevate her to be able to do all our magical requests. That's, it. We'll keep her as our focus but elevate her so she can do us more good. What a plan.
Perhaps, dear therapist, you are projecting.
I think you got it, professor!
And were you here for the "Mother of God" conversation? We've gone 'round the houses on what led to Ephesus and Chalcedon, and how the Fathers saw the title as essential to orthodox Christology, but now it's because of unresolved mother issues?
"A Freudian slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother." (rimshot.)
(How'd I do?)
YOu remember Totem and Taboo? Why is it we have cultural norms against incest? Because there's a drive to commit incest. SO why are some Protestants unable to pass a group of RCs or EO discussing their beliefs without coming in and accusing them of everything from neurosis to idolatry?
Hey! I'm getting better at it! But I'd like to stop now. I don't like it.