About as well as the reverse routinely works.
and a pleathora of other words . . .
But I don't mind all that really . . . grossly hypocritical slams drive me to distractions but . . . it goes with the territory.
IF WE CAN'T DIVORCE OUR IDEAS, CONVICTIONS EVEN BELIEFS ENOUGH FROM OUR PERSONS to have some dialogue about same--even in a constructively raucus way--If we can't handle it without stacks of chips on our shoulders--without going ballistic . . . then probably we ought not dare to post on such threads.
Such threads are poor places to make up for REACTIVE ATTACHMENT DISORDER stuff with warm bear hugs and fluffy pillows.
Yep. Too true. It's a shame.
(You do know that the stuff I put up in black was a quote from the first post on this thread, right? I used a smaller font -- or at least tried to -- than that used by the original poster.)