So you are saying that Protestants are generally more evil than Catholics therefore it is the protestants that have the false teachers and there are no false teachers or teachings in the RCC? Does that sum up?
= = =
Wellllll, Dear Heart DM, it SEEMS to be like this . . .
When one has a rubber Bible and/or a rubber dictionary and/or rubber tradition . . .
it is EASY to acquire rubber standards.
= = = =
Personally, I have found God to be exceedingly full of 'common sense' as well as well beyond perfect GODLY UNCOMMON sense.
He comes across to me as exceedingly creative. And, in some matters--flexible. If eating meat bothers your conscience, don't eat meat. If you can eat in clear conscience and not cause a brother to stumble--eat to good health.
Sometimes God doesn't CARE whether you want chocolate or vanilla ice cream--CHOOSE AND ENJOY.
And, many times, what MIGHT have started out as a God-preference--ends up being hated of God because of the turmoil flesh driven, problem that prissy "Christians" make of it.
Mostly God is concerned that we Love Him wholly; others as ourselves and do unto others as we'd choose to be done unto AND FORGIVE ALL THOROUGHLY.
To some degree, beyond the core basics, the rest is do much detail that depends on a lot of contextual and heart motive things.
So, rubber standards depend, too on what we are talking about. So often, it's rubber standards for the person talking and rigid prissy standards that THEY apply to EVERYONE ELSE.
I KNOW God is NOT in favor of THAT by a trillion miles.
oh c'mon you're Bible's a subjective joke, where the apostles drone on wasting their words for 282 words of scripture which aren't applicable because they contradict your church's traditions.