After you die, it's not how many sins did you commit but "what did you do with my son, I sent Him to die for your sins, did you accept that or not? "
You missed my point, though. It isn't about whether we are sinners or not, we are. It is a question of God turning His back and forsaking sinners as some suggest He did to Christ when He took our sins on Himself. If God is one to turn His back on Christ due to the sins He personified, then, if God is consistent, Christ should never have come to begin with. If God forsakes sinners, we were forsaken, not forgiven.
However, God does not forsake sinners and we were saved from our sins by a loving God. Christ wasn't forsaken on the Cross, He was teaching His followers to look to Psalm 22 for the answers on what they were witnessing.
With that, I will go home. Good night and God bless.