You forgot their hatred for NFP, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. I was told recently in one conversation the we "neo-Catholics" worship JPII and Benedict XVI. And JPII's Theology of the Body was "drivel and petty." Of course my all time favorite comment was how JP the Great (they have a heart attack if you call him that) only taught against abortion because of the liberal views about man he had. See, honestly this is what the guy said, JP the Great thought that man was so wonderful "and had all this dignity and that's why he opposed abortion."
They are so dumb they followed into schism the very same man whose entire schism was based, almost solely, upon hatred of the mass Lefevbre himself publicly offered at the tomb of Pope St. Pius Xth (AFTER he had REPEATEDLY, PUBLICLY denounced it) in the Vatican and rejection of the Second Vatican Council, a Council he attended and voted YES on every single Document.
They are a cult. The irrational, self-serving, word-breaking, and self-contradictiory actions of the excommunicated individual they worship are papered over my innumerable pages torn from the ahistorical works of Mike Davies, a prot convert. That's their Traditon :)