Explain to me the difference here. Is it a difference without a distinction? I don't get the major difference, if there is one. Would appreciate your interpretation:
1 : an act or instance of transubstantiating or being transubstantiated
2 : the miraculous change by which according to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox dogma the eucharistic elements at their consecration become the body and blood of Christ while keeping only the appearances of bread and wine
Main Entry: con·sub·stan·ti·a·tion
Function: noun
Pronunciation: "kän(t)-s&b-"stan(t)-she-'A-sh&n
: the actual substantial presence and combination of the body and blood of Christ with the eucharistic bread and wine according to a teaching associated with Martin Luther -- compare
In consubstantiation it is believed that the substanstance of the bread and wine remain and that our Lord becomes present with the continuing presence of the bread and wine. The "con" in consubstantiation means with the substance.
The Catholic belief in transubstantiation is based on the fact that our Lord said: "This is my body," rather than "Here is my body."