Welcome 'east'!
The Eastern Catholic Churches administer communion, standing. It is a form of reverence. It has taken me a while to distinguish the differences between west and east. Fortunately in my Maronite parish, Father respects both traditions. We kneel during the Words of Institution, receive communion by intinction standing, and may kneel or stand after communion. Then again, as Kolokotronis has pointed out on many occasions, the Maronite Church is the most latinized of all the Eastern Catholic Churches. No matter. We're all respected and accomodated in our personal choice of reverence for the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. (Keyword being, reverence rather than proscribed posture). Bishop Tod would do well to make a similar distinction.
"We're all respected and accomodated in our personal choice of reverence for the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist."
Truth be told, the reason Orthodox and Eastern Rite Catholics stand on Sundays is because it is a celebration of the Resurrection. Kneeling and better yet full prostrations are symbols, in the East, of repentance and by tradition are reserved for weekdays. Reverence is shown by deep bowing.
Different traditions, same Eucharist.