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To: Dominick

Well, how nice that we went from "No, your argument is not correct" to "You are full of beans."

People who argue from the ecclesial left, as with those who argue from the political left, adhere to the principle, "Go ad hominem early and often."

From that alone one can see that your position is faulty.

"Moore did not lead a protest"

How did "leading" become a factor in this? He protested himself, by denying the king. The king gave him an order; he said no. This "leading" business is a straw man.

"and Beckett also did not protest."

Oh, really? And he suffered the ire of Henry II for supporting him in all things? Of course he protested.

Both these saints protested against kings when ordered to go against the Church; today we are being told to go against the Chruch by bishops, but the principle holds.

"Joan of Arc lead troops in a war that was already being fomented."

It wasn't "being fomented;" it had been underway for some time, and her voices told her to protest the enemy's position to the extent of killing large numbers of them.

Jesus Himself protested the moneylenders in the temple by whipping them off the grounds, overturning their tables, and generally kicking their butts. This is an excellent example to emulate.

"None of these Saints would even presume to protest against a Bishop of the Church who are in union with the Pope."

Immaterial, as they would *all* protest a heretic bishop who is in defiance of the Scriptures, the Holy Father, the Church, and Tradition. Which is what we are dealing with here.

131 posted on 09/17/2006 12:02:44 PM PDT by dsc
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To: dsc
There are no Saints who lead a protest against a Bishop. Name a single one. Moore said clearly, "Henry VIII is wrong." Not a pattern for a protest like was lead. Beckett exercised his office and angered those in power, again no protest. In both these cases the authority was not a Bishop, licitly seated.

The Bishop is not a Heretic, that is, anymore than you are schismatic.

Sponsoring a protest is counter productive. That is indeed a statement of fact.

You are full of beans is hardly an insult. In this case it is a statement of fact.
132 posted on 09/17/2006 1:36:58 PM PDT by Dominick ("Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought." - JP II)
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